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Reckless Rhetoric: After Four Years of Bush


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With a war lacking an end in sight, a number of environmental officials having quit in protest, and a net loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs, how does George W. Bush’s rhetoric compare to reality? On this edition, we take a look both at Bush’s words and his legacy after four years in office.


Devon Largio, law student, Vanderbilt University, Steven Zunes, professor, University of San Francisco; Andy Shallal, co-founder, Iraqi Americans for Peaceful Alternatives; Rania Masri, program director, Institute for Southern Studies; Seth Borenstein, national correspondent, Knight Ridder Newspapers; Maria Gunnoe, Coal River Mountain Watch; Bruce Buckheit, former director, Air Enforcement Division, United States Environmental Protection Agency; Jeff Ruch, director, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility; Daniel Esty, director, Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy; Dean Baker, co-director, Center for Economic and Policy Research; John Miller, professor, Wheaton College; Chris Hartman, research director, United for a Fair Economy; Ellen Frank, senior economic analyst, Poverty Institute; George W. Bush, President of the United States.

For more information:

University of San Francisco, Department of Politics – San Francisco, CA

Insitute for Southern Studies – Durham, NC

Coal River Mountain Watch – Whitesville, WV

Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility – Washington, DC

Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy – New Haven, CT

Center for Economic and Policy Research – Washington, DC

Wheaton College – Norton, MA

United for a Fair Economy – Boston, MA

Poverty Institute, Rhode Island School of Social Work – Providence, RI

Author: FoC Media

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