Making Contact OWS Segments:
How to Change a System: Occupy and the Question of Non-Violence
The Occupy movement has changed the way Americans view political activism. And theres a raging debate over what tactics should be used. How is social change achieved, and does violence have a role to play?
How to Occupy the Economy, According to Richard Wolff
Richard Wolff, University of Massachusetts at Amherst emeritus economics professor, speaks about some of the roots of, and solutions to, the economic inequality thats finally being acknowledged.
Occupy: From Encampments to a Movement
As the Occupy movement continues to grow participants, activists and community organizers are grappling with how to ensure that Occupy develops beyond tents and into long-term systemic change.
Discussion on “Community Organzing and Occupy” featuring Maria Poblet, executive director of Just Cause/Justa Causa; Steve Williams, co-executive director/co-fou
Democratic Boundaries: Corporate Cash vs. the 99%
The people of the U.S. have seemingly awakened, and are out in the streets, demanding changes to a system in which money controls politics. On this edition, corporations, elections and the 99%. In a post-Citizens United world, is it too late to reclaim our democracy?
Veterans of Occupation: From Iraq to Wall Street
On this edition, we bring you the voices of veterans from Occupy Wall Street and a special report on veterans returning home from war and the struggles they endure, from inadequate healthcare to the inability in finding employment.
OWS coverage National Radio Project recommends:
Free Speech TV Pilot edition for “Occupy the Media”
Segment One:
Segment Two: http://blip.tv/free-speech-tv/
Are you on Twitter? Follow #Uprising #ows #occupy #p2 #campaigncash
Unemployed Man Is the Unofficial Superhero of #ows. Read the Wired article.
The Adventures of Unemployed Man from Unemployed Man on Vimeo.
Watch one of the 87channels of “occupy” video near you. Video via The UpTake.
Articles, Blogs, Reports and Videos:POWER
Just Cause/Causa Justa
Occupy Oakland
POOR Magazine
Oakland Local
Occupy Wall Street
Race and Occupy Wall Street
Occupying, Organizing and Movements that Demand Both by Rinku Sen
Stir It Up
Why OWS Should Matter to POC
There Is Diversity at Occupy Wall Street
Queers and Occupy
Applying the Successful Strategy of the Civil Rights Movement to a National “We are the 99%” Movement
10 Ways the Occupy Movement Changes Everything (new book from YES!)
NY Times Occupy Wall Street Slideshow
Occupy is Here to Stay
America Is Not Broke, Foreign Policy in Focus / Institute for Policy Studies
WBAI programs from Occupy Wall Street
KBOO programs from Occupy Portland
video: Why Occupy Wall Street? 4 Reasons
Organzing Upgrade -Occupy Strategy Lab
Occupy Patriarchy
Women Occupy
Feminist Peace Network
WOW (Women Occupying Wall Street)
National Womens Liberation Occupy Statement
Radical Feminists OWS Brochure
Hey students! Check out OccupyColleges.org