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Women Rising XX:
Leaders Struggling with War

In this program, we profile two government leaders tackling the monumental problem of war –– Gambia’s Fatou Bensouda, Deputy Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court and retired Colonel Ann Wright, a former United States military leader and diplomat for the State Department.


Women in Sports: Separate and Not Equal

Dave Zirin and Elizabeth Terzakis take a look back at the history of discrimination against women in sports, and we’ll hear where the long battle for equality and acceptance stands today.


Guard Us All? Immigrant Women and the HPV Vaccine (encore)

A controversial vaccine is at the intersection of immigrant rights and reproductive justice organizing. The HPV vaccine is mandatory for permanent resident status, and advocates say it follows a history of controlling the
bodies of women of color.


Many Lines of Fire: Women at War (encore)

The changing nature of the Iraq war has placed many women at the center of the conflict. Yet the women serving and dying for the U.S. have received very little attention. Who are they, why did they join and what are their experiences and points of view?


Green Jobs, Race and Economic “Recovery”

The Obama Administration is spending billions to create so-called green jobs. But what are these jobs and who will get them? We hear from community advocates who are working to make sure the green jobs money benefits those who need it the most.


Women Rising IV: Women as Religious Activists (encore)

Three courageous women struggling with religious issues within their own religions and across religious lines.


Guard Us All? Immigrant Women and the HPV Vaccine

A controversial vaccine is at the intersection of immigrant rights and reproductive justice organizing. The HPV vaccine is mandatory for permanent resident status, and advocates say it follows a history of controlling the bodies of women of color.


Women Rising XIX: Masters of the Spoken Word

We profile two American masters of the spoken word; provoking, inspiring, and moving us to action. Eve Ensler, playwright of the hit ‘Vagina Monologues’ shares the innovative work of her organization, V-Day, and renowned storyteller, Diane Ferlatte, talks with us about using her art as an international bridge over cultural divides.


What Kind of Liberation? Women and Iraq

Author and activist Nadje Al-Ali talks about the reality of women’s lives in Iraq.


Women Rising XVIII: Rescuers of Wildlife

Four women leaders work throughout the world, from Asia to Latin America to defend animal rights.
