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The Toxic Truth About Nail Salons

We take a look at the health impacts of chemical exposure, the shoddy regulation of cosmetics, and the movement towards greener nail salons.


Sex, Lies, and the Classroom

Decades after Roe v. Wade, many young people still lack the resources to make informed choices about sex. On this edition, a discussion about comprehensive sex Ed in schools, federal funding, and parental involvement.


Women for Women in Juarez

In Ciudad Juárez, in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, there have been nearly 500 known cases of femicide in under two decades. Joe Richey speaks to several women in Juarez about what it’s like to live in the most violent city in the world.


New ‘Femicide Law’ in Bolivia Put Forth to Curb Murder of Women

In Bolivia, violent crimes against young women have risen dramatically. But a new law that may pass by the end of 2010, would give a sentence of up to 30 years’ prison for the murder of women.


Protagonists for Change: Women Against Violence in Latin America

In Latin America, sexism and impunity contribute to violence against women. But the region is also home to powerful female voices, and effective movements for the advancement of women.


James Lawson: Non-Violent Warrior

An interview with James Lawson, the chief architect of the 1960 lunch counter sit-ins, and confidant to Martin Luther King. Lawson touches on everything from Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez to the modern gay rights and environmental movements.


Art in Action

Art is everywhere…but why do we do it? On this edition, we speak with young artists of diverse backgrounds who use their independent experiences and creative impulses to talk about race, identity, and politics…and along the way to self-reflect.


The Road to Detroit: US Social Forum 2010

This June, the US Social Forum will be held in Detroit, Michigan.  We look at how Domestic Workers got organized at the last US Social Forum and we ask, what can we learn from the fall and rise of one of America’s great industrial cities?


Dr. Joanna Macy: Gifts of Uncertainty

Dr. Joanna Macy is a long-time peace, justice, and ecology activist. A celebrated Buddhist teacher, Dr. Macy’s wide-ranging work spans Eastern and Western thought. She spoke at the 2009 Bioneers Conference held in San Rafael, California.


‘Hyde-ing’ the Right to Choose

Stupak, the Hyde Amendment, and religion. We take a look at some of the threats to abortion access, more than thirty-five years after Roe V. Wade legalized a woman’s right to have an abortion.
