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Women Rising VIII: International Changemakers Protecting the Environment

On this edition, we profile four courageous young ecology activists, going to court for environmental justice and leading regional cooperation to rescue precious natural resources and indigenous cultures.


Women Rising VII: International Changemakers in Politics

In this program we profile three courageous politicians, women who have chosen to create progressive change through government.


Women Rising IV: International Changemakers Women as Religious Activists (encore edition)

In this program we profile three courageous women struggling with religious issues.


Got Rights? Global Women’s Voices for Health and Humanity

From the rise of religious fundamentalism and the implementation of the “global gag rule” to neo-liberal economics and environmental justice, the common thread running through the 10th annual International Women and Health Meeting was improved human rights for women.


Human Rights and the African American Experience

On this edition we’ll hear about one of the true ironies of the American civil rights movement is that while the U.S. was trying to lead the way in developing a framework for international human rights, it was leaving its own citizens behind, refusing to acknowledge the systematic social abandonment of African Americans.


Women Rising VI: International Changemakers Whistleblowers

Women are gaining influence as leaders throughout the world, fighting for peace, justice, the environment and civil society. In this special edition, we profile three courageous whistleblowers in the United States.


Enduring Choice (encore edition)

From prison cells, to the barrios in Fresno, California, women of color are organizing around the broad theme of reproductive justice.


Women Rising V: International Changemakers – Grassroots Activists

In this program we profile three courageous change makers: Shereen Essof is an advocate for democracy and land rights for women in Zimbabwe. Sahar Saba is a leader in RAWA, the underground resistance organization struggling for women’s rights and democracy in Afghanistan, and Wendy Pekeur represents farmworkers in South Africa.


Enduring Choice

On this edition we hear about the common thread that connects women from all walks of life. From prison cells, to the barrios in Fresno, California, women of color are organizing around the broad theme of reproductive justice.


The Juvenile Injustice System

On this edition, we’ll hear about the scandal-ridden California Youth Authority, abuses inside one of Brazil’s juvenile detention centers, as well as alternative approaches to helping troubled kids.
