Women Rising XIX: Masters of the Spoken Word
We profile two American masters of the spoken word; provoking, inspiring, and moving us to action. Eve Ensler, playwright of the hit ‘Vagina Monologues’ shares the innovative work of her organization, V-Day, and renowned storyteller, Diane Ferlatte, talks with us about using her art as an international bridge over cultural divides.
Women Rising XVIII: Rescuers of Wildlife
Four women leaders work throughout the world, from Asia to Latin America to defend animal rights.
Women Rising XVII: Climate Change and Water
We profile two women activists taking on the global water crisis, warning us about the link between climate change and the loss of one of our most basic human requirements.
Women Rising XVI: Civil Disobedience and Resistance
In this program, we profile two international change-makers dedicated to nonviolent civil disobedience and resistance, Medea Benjamin and Saw Myat Mar.
Women Rising XV: World Health Activists
Prudence Mabele is a South African activist in the battle to contain HIV. Mary Pipher is an American psychologist and author confronting the American Psychological Association about its cooperation with the U.S. government in the use of torture.
Women Rising XIV: International Changemakers in the Arts
Women are gaining influence as leaders throughout the world, fighting for peace, justice, the environment and civil society. On this edition, we profile four artist activists from San Francisco, Haiti, Zimbabwe and India.
Women Rising XIII: Enterprising Women
We profile four women entrepreneurs, bravely starting businesses where no one else has ventured and who are leading a worldwide grassroots movement to create micro-enterprise.
Women Rising IX: International Changemakers – Honoring Elder Women Activists (encore edition)
This Women’s Desk program is a special collaboration with the Women Rising Radio Project, Lynn Feinerman and Crown Sephira Productions.
Women Rising XII: International Changemakers Journalists in the Crosshairs
In this program we profile three independent women journalists, unbought and unbossed.
Women Rising XI: International Council of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers
In this program, we visit with three eloquent members of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, a global alliance of elder women healers who represent more than 900 years of collective wisdom and traditions.