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Dismantling the Master’s House: Indigenous Strategies and the Limits of Law

Around the world, indigenous communities are fighting for ­ and winning ­ long-awaited legal and political recognition. At times this recognition leads to special laws and status for First Nations people, but some say this new status comes at a cost: the loss of true self-determination for their communities.


Live From Main Street Seattle: Women on Real National Security

Lets move beyond lipstick and hockey pucks to examine how issues of national security impact our daily lives, and ask the tough questions about how to build a better future.


Women Rising XVII: Climate Change and Water

We profile two women activists taking on the global water crisis, warning us about the link between climate change and the loss of one of our most basic human requirements.


Stuffed and Starved

Raj Patel, ‘Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System’ author, who used to work for the World Bank, the WTO, and the United Nations, has become a harsh critic of the way those organizations set policies that he says lead to increasing hunger and food insecurity around the world.


No One is Illegal

On this edition, we’ll hear from Harjap Grewal, an organizer with the Canadian-based group, ‘No One is Illegal’ who speaks about global migration, guest worker programs and the brewing resistance in what he calls ‘Fortress North America.


Tariq Ali and David Barsamian in Conversation about Pakistan

British-Pakistani author, Tariq Ali, talks about Pakistan’s history, recent news events, and about what the future holds for the country.


Cracks in the Edifice

Participants at Left Forum identified the ongoing war in Iraq… the impending economic recession… and the devastating results of free trade policies worldwide as issues as more than just failings of the current administration, but instead, as cracks in what they call “the edifice” of u.s. empire.


Resisting Illegitimate Authority in Today’s Political Context

On this edition, we’ll hear excerpts from the panelists that participated in the forum, “Resisting Illegitimate Authority in Today’s Political Context” discussing examples and strategies of resistance.


On New Ground: Liberating Gender & Sexuality

How do we challenge and overcome gender and sexual oppression? Three speakers at the Atlanta U.S. Social Forum have some answers.


Left Forum: Forging A Radical Future

On this edition, we hear selections from the opening panel of the Left Forum, recorded March 9, 2007. The 2007 Left Forum was subtitled: ‘Forging a Radical Political Future,’ but creating leftist vision in today’s world generated some questions: is ‘reform’ alone the best that leftists can hope for? if not, what are steps to deep economic, and social transformation, kinds of organizations needed bring about real change?”
