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Year in Review 2008

3 stories from 2008: Iraq war veterans speaking out; a crackdown on immigrants in Arizona; and the creation of a reproductive health care program for low-income women of color in post-Katrina New Orleans.


Parental Notification: Protecting Our Youth?

We hear from a group in California that says a proposition requiring parental notification before abortion threatens the health, safety and rights of young women, especially communities of color and immigrant communities. We also visit Texas where both parental notification and consent laws have transformed the ways young women handle unexpected pregnancies.


For Us, By Us. Health Care after Katrina

Hurricane Katrina was one of the most destructive disasters in U.S. history for human lives and destroyed property. And while a full three years have passed since the storm, New Orleans and the surrounding region are still in a state of “rebuilding”. How does this ongoing state of recovery translate into the daily lives of the city’s marginalized populations? We talk to activists and visionaries from the New Orleans Women’s Health Clinic who are reinventing their community’s health and wellness landscape.


When Your Back’s Against the Wall, You Gotta Dance: On the Frontlines of Reproductive Justice

Women, particularly poor and homeless women, young women and women of color, across the nation are struggling with access to quality comprehensive reproductive health services.


Still Talking About Sex

On this edition, we’ll hear from the former attorney general, Joycelyn Elders, who to this day remains a fierce advocate for health related policies.


Reproductive Justice: Voices from SisterSong (encore edition)

On this edition from our Women’s Desk, we hear from three women advocating for comprehensive reproductive health, that include the issues of sex education, HIV and AIDS prevention, housing, educational opportunities, queer-conscious-healthcare, the economic resources to support a child, the right to live free of violence, as well as an analysis of reproductive technologies.


Reproductive Justice: Voices from SisterSong

Women in the reproductive justice movement seek the basic human right to control their bodies. This includes a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy, and the rights to have a child, and to parent that child. On this edition from our Women’s Desk, we hear from three women advocating for comprehensive reproductive health.


Last Stand for Choice in Mississippi (encore edition)

On this edition, with mid-term elections upon us, Making Contact’s Sarah Olson takes a closer look at the Mississippi women fighting for reproductive justice as they try to save the one remaining abortion clinic in the state.


Last Stand for Choice in Mississippi

In Jackson, Mississippi the battle over abortion was kicked into high gear when an eight day anti-abortion demonstration ensued in the state’s capital this past summer. On this edition, we take a closer look at the women fighting to save the one remaining abortion clinic in the state.


Got Rights? Global Women’s Voices for Health and Humanity

From the rise of religious fundamentalism and the implementation of the “global gag rule” to neo-liberal economics and environmental justice, the common thread running through the 10th annual International Women and Health Meeting was improved human rights for women.
