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Don’t Let Them See You Bleed: PERIOD

Don’t Let Them See You Bleed: PERIOD

Don’t Let Them See You Bleed Don’t Let Them See You Bleed: PERIOD examines the feminist movement through the lens of period activism. We will look at aspects of women’s health and social justice that are often overlooked – From period stigma to the unfair tax on feminine hygiene products and the fight to regulate and disclose ingredients in tampons and maxi pads.  We’ll hear from activists,...

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Reproductive Justice from El Salvador to the U.S.

Reproductive Justice from El Salvador to the U.S.

Got Abortion Rights? Hear from a woman who went to prison under El Salvador’s current abortion laws— some of the strictest in the world. And, one reproductive justice organization considers the future of reproductive health access under the US Supreme Court. Like this program? Please show us the love. Click here and support our non-profit journalism. Thanks! TRANSCRIPT for US-based segment is...

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Call for Pitches

We’re seeking sound-rich radio stories with ear-grabbing characters, interesting angles, and solid facts. We encourage you to explore grassroots solutions and the ways communities are organizing. We look forward to hearing from you on these topics below and others you have, at Making Contact is accepting pitches for 7-10 minute segments or 29-minute documentaries for upcoming shows in our Fall schedule....

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Call for Pitches!

  Do you have a story with perspectives on an ongoing local, national, or global issue? Do you have access to voices and perspectives that get lost in mainstream media landscape? How are people working to cope, and change things? If so, consider pitching to Making Contact!  We’re looking for pitches from freelancers on several themes. See list below.   Seeking Pitches Immigration: We want your pitches!...

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At the Intersection of Faith and Reproductive Justice

At the Intersection of Faith and Reproductive Justice

Faith and reproductive justice: we rarely hear these words in the same sentence. Instead, we associate faith with the belligerent protester outside an abortion clinic or sex ed curriculums that shame young women for their sexuality. But what if faith could fuel a movement that supports women and families in having real choices over their lives and their bodies? On this week’s Making Contact, we head to the crossroads of faith...

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Beyond Choice: Organizing for Reproductive Justice

Beyond Choice: Organizing for Reproductive Justice

At the end of March, Congress passed a bill allowing states to deny funding to family planning groups that offer abortion services – groups like Planned Parenthood. Now, Pennsylvania and Michigan have introduced legislation to join over a dozen states in doing just that. As we fight off right wing attacks on abortion rights, Loretta Ross asks us to consider what it would take to have real choices about our bodies. On this...

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Living Downstream-creating a world free of cancer causing toxics

Renowned biologist Sandra Steingraber has made fighting environmentally induced cancers her life’s work. We hear excerpts of the documentary film, Living Downstream, which chronicles her efforts to create a world free of cancer causing toxics.


My Body My Message: women’s bodies as tools of self-empowerment

The female body as medium, and as message. How can a woman determine how she is perceived by the world, and even by herself? On this edition, we hear stories of women who are using their bodies for political protest, and as tools of self-empowerment…forcing everyone to reevaluate their perspectives on the female form. Featuring: Neda Topaloski & Xenia Chernyshova, Femen members Galia Ackerman, author of the book “Femen” Catherine...


My Body My Message: women’s bodies as tools of self-empowerment

The female body as medium, and as message. How can a woman determine how she is perceived by the world, and even by herself? On this edition, we hear stories of women who are using their bodies for political protest, and as tools of self-empowerment…forcing everyone to reevaluate their perspectives on the female form. Featuring: Neda Topaloski & Xenia Chernyshova, Femen members Galia Ackerman, author of the book “Femen” Catherine...


Our Bodies, Our Stories: Reproductive Health Behind Bars

Pregnant women in America’s prisons are being shackled to their beds; others are being sterilized. Correctional institutions claim the policies are for safety’s sake, but thousands of incarcerated people are fighting for control of their own reproductive health.
