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North Korean Immigrants: Crossing Borders, Risking All

North Koreans live in one of the most politically oppressive and economically depressed societies on the globe. On this edition, we hear the stories of two North Koreans who crossed border after border, eventually making their way into the U.S.


Katrina Uncovers: Exploited Workers and Endangered Wetlands

On this edition, we hear from migrant workers helping to clean up and rebuild New Orleans, and about their struggle for better wages and working conditions.


Katrina Uncovers: Rebuilding Hope in New Orleans

On this edition, we go to New Orleans, where we hear from local people working to rebuild their communities.


The New Green Revolution

On this edition, we take a look at the challenges rural people face, and the growing international movement to gain land rights.


Harvesting Justice

On this edition, we’ll hear from speakers working on behalf of farm workers in the U.S. today, and we’ll hear from some of the farm workers themselves. Their message is clear: America’s farming community deserves our recognition and our support.


Katrina Uncovers: Poverty in a Land of Plenty

Making Contact takes a look at poverty in the United States. We explore homelessness, economic injustice, and a dwindling federal safety net that has left millions of Americans in dire straits


Katrina Uncovers: Structural Injustice

On this edition, part four of a series on Katrina, we hear from grassroots activist Damu Smith, about the systemic poverty and racism which made a horrific natural disaster far worse.


Katrina Uncovers: Those Left Behind

More than a month has passed since Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. And still, in New Orleans nearly two-thirds of the power is out, the tap water is not drinkable, and garbage and debris fill the deserted streets.


Katrina Uncovers: Activism, Racism and Environmental Justice

On this second part of a special series, we’ll talk about grass roots organizations mobilizing to do the work the U.S. government cannot or will not do. And we’ll take a look at the issue of environmental justice – how much does race and poverty play a role in where Americans live?


Blocking the Highways of Globalization: Tales from Bolivia and Peru

Throughout the 1980s and 90s, Latin America implemented the globalization policies demanded by the US. But now those policies are coming under fire.
