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New Orleans Now: Immigrants, Labor Rights and the Human Cost of Rebuilding an American City – Part 3

On this edition, part three of our immigration series, we hear from two people who have affected countless lives by providing a basic necessity: health care.


New Orleans Now: Immigrants, Labor Rights and the Human Cost of Rebuilding an American City – Part 2

On this edition, part two of our immigration series, we hear from the people on the ground making a difference in the lives of these workers and from the workers themselves.


New Orleans Now: Immigrants, Labor Rights and the Human Cost of Rebuilding an American City – Part 1

On this edition, we hear from the immigrants themselves and from the people on the ground trying to help them.


Mothers, Migrants and Maids of Honor

On this edition, through their own words, we pay tribute to the many working women of color who are struggling for acceptance, recognition and their rights.


Who Would Jesus Tax?

On this edition, we talk with a single mom and a tax fairness advocate to debunk some myths about how wealth is created and what people can do to change tax policy.


The Color of Wealth (encore edition)

Author and organizer Meizhu Lui was a kitchen worker for 20 years, and she rose through the labor ranks to become president of her local union. Now she’ executive director of United for a Fair Economy, a non-partisan group that raises awareness about the damaging consequences of concentrated wealth and power in the United States.


New Orleans Now: Can Art Help Heal a Broken City?

Take a tour with us through the streets and landscapes of New Orleans as we discover creative art displays that reflect the city’s deep cultural roots, the troubled times it faces, and the sense of hope being nurtured in the midst of Katrina’s rubble.


Oaxaca Libre, La Lucha Sigue! (Free Oaxaca, The Fight Continues!)

What started out as an annual teachers strike in the historic Mexican town of Oaxaca has become the largest people’s rebellion in the country in over a decade. Making Contact takes you to the occupied streets of Oaxaca where thousands are fighting for the future of their city.


David Korten and the Great Turning

David Korten new book, “The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community” examines how current economic models are producing devastating consequences for people and planet. In this edition, Korten speaks about being on the cusp of a major shift from a world dominated by economic values to one that embraces human values.


The Color of Wealth

Income generation is one indicator of power differences between racial groups in the United States. But accumulated wealth, not income alone, may be the most revealing index of inequality.
