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Breaking the Psychological Chains of Slavery

African-Americans have endured more than 246 years of slavery, 100 years of racism and segregation. The trauma from that experience continues to impact African-Americans and society today. Dr. Joy DeGruy presents a discussion on post traumatic slave syndrome.


Undue Influence: the power of Police and Prison Guards’ Unions

Police officers and prison guards hold tremendous political sway. Their advocacy for better pay, more power, and more jobs has been a major factor in the expansion of the prison industrial complex. Now that system is changing. Can law enforcement unions change as well?


The Battle over Gang Injunctions in Oakland

The city of Oakland is divided over whether gang injunctions will help reduce a long-standing problem of street violence.  Here we report on a grassroots campaign, aiming to stop what many activists say is a problematic policy of racial profiling, that won’t help make the community any safer. Listen to the full segment and watch the three minute video below.  ...


Gang Injunctions: Problem or Solution?

Gang injunctions are a controversial crime fighting tool that some people say should be illegal, and others say is a necessary last resort for communities plagued by violence. On this edition, we go from the birthplace of gang injunctions in L.A., to their newest use in London.


Gang Injunctions in London

As part of our investigation into how and whether gang injunctions effectively fight crime, we looked to one of the newest places where the crime fighting strategy is being rolled out: London, England. Making Contact reporter Daniel Gordon filed this report from London, where the first gang injunctions went into effect earlier this year. The story explores how economics and race are major factors in how society treats crime in...


How Homelessness Became A Crime

So-called ‘quality of life’ policing may temporarily decrease crime, but it has harsh consequences for innocent people caught up in the frenzy of arrests. If it’s illegal to be on a city’s sidewalks, parks and plazas, where else can people go?


Arizona’s SB 1070: The Battle for Immigrant’s Rights

Arizona’s SB 1070 put immigration enforcement in the national spotlight. On this edition, we look at the controversial law – its effects in Arizona and across the country, and how it has motivated immigrant communities to become politically active.


The Presumption of Guilt: Charles Ogletree on the Arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr.

Harvard professor Ogletree speaks about his book, “The Presumption of Guilt: The Arrest of Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Race, Class and Crime in America.”


California’s Prop 19: The End of the War on Marijuana?

Californians went to the polls this past November to vote on whether to legalize marijuana. On this edition, we look at the damage wrought by the failed war on marijuana, with a focus on the millions caught in the criminal justice system.


New ‘Femicide Law’ in Bolivia Put Forth to Curb Murder of Women

In Bolivia, violent crimes against young women have risen dramatically. But a new law that may pass by the end of 2010, would give a sentence of up to 30 years’ prison for the murder of women.
