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Oil Slick: Bechtel, Halliburton, and the White House

On this edition of Making Contact, we look at a controversial pipeline deal that now-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld personally negotiated with Saddam Hussein on behalf of the Bechtel Corporation during the Reagan administration. We also examine Halliburton’s $7 billion dollar oil contract in Iraq.


Patriot Act Uncovered: The War on Civil Liberties

On this edition, we’ll take a look at civil liberties in the United States in the post-September 11th era.


Just War? U.S. Invasion of Iraq

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at the U.S. push toward war. We also examine US plans to develop and potentially use so-called mini-nukes.


Life in the Shadow of Iraq: The Kurdish Struggle for Freedom

This week we present a special documentary that chronicles Kurdish life in the shadow of Iraq.


INS Secrets Unveiled: The U.S. War on Immigrants

On this edition of Making Contact, correspondents Sarah Olson and Pauline Bartolone examine the treatment of immigrants under new INS policies and practices.


The Threat of Peace: Questioning War Against Iraq (encore edition)

President Bush has often repeated that the Iraqi regime poses a “grave and growing danger” to the United States. But many people question that assessment. There’s little doubt that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is a repressive leader who’s used chemical weapons in the past. But is the United States justified in going to war against Iraq?


The Threat of Peace: Questioning War Against Iraq

President Bush has often repeated that the Iraqi regime poses a “grave and growing danger” to the United States. But many people question that assessment. There’s little doubt that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is a repressive leader who’s used chemical weapons in the past. But is the United States justified in going to war against Iraq?


Let’s Go to Mazar: A Chronicle of Life in Afghanistan after War

Investigative journalist Pratap Chatterjee, traveled to Mazar-i-Sharif, the first city to fall to the Northern Alliance and the United States bombing raids in 2001. This week we present a special documentary that chronicles life after the end of the war.


A History of Resistance: The People of Palestine

On this program we take a look at the Palestinian’s long history of resistance to colonialism and the current conflict over the Occupied Territories.
