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Changing the Climate on Climate Change

With the UN’s climate negotiations faltering, indigenous and other grassroots community groups are re-strategizing. We’ll hear voices from the streets of Cancun and look at where the world might turn for answers to catastrophic climate change.


Avoiding A New Korean War

North Korea and the United States are still technically at war. Many view North Korea as a strange and rogue country that threatens U.S. security. But others argue that North Korea’s actions have legitimate basis and that historical context is critical to understanding the issues.


Standing Up to Big Oil

From courtroom battles to government regulation, we take a look at how citizen groups around the world are holding oil companies accountable for environmental contamination and human rights abuses.


Challenging Chevron in Nigeria

Freelance Producer Lynn Feinerman has more about the oil business in Nigeria, and about citizen efforts to hold companies accountable in the courtroom.


The Price of Nature: Buying Our Way Out of Climate Chaos?

At the 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico, discussion centered on market-based solutions. On this edition, experts engage in a roundtable discussion about alternative ways to both understand and solve the climate crisis.


The New Face of Military Recruiting

Stretched by fighting two wars, the US military has stepped up efforts to recruit teenagers and young adults.  Guest host Anna Sussman hosts a round table discussion about the new face of military recruiting, and counter-recruiting efforts taking place.


Robert Fisk: The Terror of Power and the Power of Terror

Long time Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk speaks about the power of words in shaping public opinion and public policy, and the tragic consequences of a press corps that toes official line: in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine.


Women for Women in Juarez

In Ciudad Juárez, in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, there have been nearly 500 known cases of femicide in under two decades. Joe Richey speaks to several women in Juarez about what it’s like to live in the most violent city in the world.


New ‘Femicide Law’ in Bolivia Put Forth to Curb Murder of Women

In Bolivia, violent crimes against young women have risen dramatically. But a new law that may pass by the end of 2010, would give a sentence of up to 30 years’ prison for the murder of women.


Protagonists for Change: Women Against Violence in Latin America

In Latin America, sexism and impunity contribute to violence against women. But the region is also home to powerful female voices, and effective movements for the advancement of women.
