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Humanitarian Crisis in Haiti

On this edition, Correspondent Reed Lindsay takes a look at the offensive launched by the U.S.-backed Haitian government against supporters of the former president.


World Social Forum ’05: Fostering Dignity in Africa

On this edition, we’ll hear from African women leaders who say the dignity of peoples in the developing world is depleting. During the January 2005 World Social Forum, they proposed alternatives to the root causes of suffering.


Global Trade: Neither Free Nor Fair

On this edition we’ll hear how workers in Ghana are struggling to cope with the pressures of globalization. We’ll also take a look at the ballooning United States trade deficit, and examine the fair trade label.


Many Minds in an Army of One

On this special report, prepared by Associate Producer Justin Beck, we take a look at some of the different ways the war has affected soldiers and their families, both personally — and politically.


The Chemical Industry’s Toxic Toll

On this edition, we’ll look at the 20th anniversary of one of the world’s worst chemical disasters, at the Union Carbide factory in Bhopal, India, where we’ll hear about Occidental Petroleum’s toxic legacy at Love Canal and examine how corporate polluters are ignoring environmental causes of breast cancer.


International Activists React to the U.S. Election

Grassroots activists and analysts from all corners of the globe, including Iraq, Venezuela, Ghana, Palestine, India, Mexico, England, and Pakistan react to another 4 years of George W. Bush in the White House.


Reaching for Peace in the Holy Land

On this week’s edition of Making Contact, Israeli women defend Palestinian human rights at military checkpoints near Jerusalem.


From Cradle to Grave: The Impact of Electronics

On this week’s edition we take a closer look at what our gadgets are doing to our environment.


Refugees of Development: India and Multinationals

On this edition, we take a close-up look at a small town in Southern India and their struggle against Coca Cola, as well as hear from an Indian journalist and activist Nityanand Jayaraman, who has been following the impact of multi-national corporations in India.


Deadly Extractions: Oil and Mining Interests in Africa (encore edition)

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at some examples of multinational corporate interests and their effects on people in African nations: In Tanzania a Canadian-based corporation is accused of burying alive artisan miners in order to acquire control of a gold mine; and, the drive for oil has sparked political and social upheavals in Sudan and Angola.
