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Changing the Climate on Climate Change

With the UN’s climate negotiations faltering, indigenous and other grassroots community groups are re-strategizing. We’ll hear voices from the streets of Cancun and look at where the world might turn for answers to catastrophic climate change.


Nail Salon Businesses Go Green in Bay Area

Nail salon workers and advocates are pushing hard to change public policy around exposure to toxic chemicals. But there’s also a movement coming from businesses themselves to make the salons greener and safer for workers and consumers. Correspondent Momo Chang has more.


Nail Salon Workers Speak Up About Chemical Exposure

Making Contact Producer Pauline Bartolone explores the health impact of chemical exposure on nail salon workers, and what groups are doing to protect them.


The Toxic Truth About Nail Salons

We take a look at the health impacts of chemical exposure, the shoddy regulation of cosmetics, and the movement towards greener nail salons.


Looking Back, Moving Forward: 2010 Year in Review

The earthquake in Haiti. The BP oil spill. A crumbling US economy and educational system. And domestic workers in New York receive a historic bill of rights. We look back at some stories we brought you in 2010, and look ahead to 2011.


Standing Up to Big Oil

From courtroom battles to government regulation, we take a look at how citizen groups around the world are holding oil companies accountable for environmental contamination and human rights abuses.


Chevron In Richmond

Over the past decade, the city and residents of Richmond have forced the Chevron to curb its environmental impact.


Challenging Chevron in Nigeria

Freelance Producer Lynn Feinerman has more about the oil business in Nigeria, and about citizen efforts to hold companies accountable in the courtroom.


The Price of Nature: Buying Our Way Out of Climate Chaos?

At the 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico, discussion centered on market-based solutions. On this edition, experts engage in a roundtable discussion about alternative ways to both understand and solve the climate crisis.


Whose Water? The Struggle for Public Ownership of Freshwater

We go to Michigan, where from the city of Detroit, to the farmlands and countryside, citizens are battling to gain greater control over the bounty of the great lakes.
