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Erica Fernandez vs. BHP Billiton Petroleum

Erica Fernandez vs. BHP Billiton Petroleum

Erica Fernandez successfully helped her community defy a multi-national billion-dollar corporation from building a liquefied natural gas facility near her home town.

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Whatcha Gonna Do When The Well Runs Dry?

From Australia to Arizona, we take a look at three growing communities facing water shortages along with the pressure to grow. We’ll hear their different approaches to finding solutions — including denial.


Paradise Lost: Military Training in Makua Valley (encore edition)

Native Hawaiian and Making Contact intern Samson Reiny reports on what happens when the military takes over Makua Valley, a historically sacred land, and on how people are fighting back to reclaim this once pristine area.


Women Rising XVI: Civil Disobedience and Resistance

In this program, we profile two international change-makers dedicated to nonviolent civil disobedience and resistance, Medea Benjamin and Saw Myat Mar.


Paradise Lost: Military Training in Makua Valley

Native Hawaiian and Making Contact intern Samson Reiny reports on what happens when the military takes over Makua Valley, a historically sacred land, and on how people are fighting back to reclaim this once pristine area.


Invaders From Another Ecosystem

On this edition, U.C. Berkeley Journalism student producer Eric Simons takes a closer look at the control of one of San Francisco Bay’s invaders from another ecosystem, by visiting the wetlands around the San Francisco Bay, where scientists are waging a scorched-marsh campaign against a devastating kind of East Coast grass.


Water Rights: No Clear Solution

Water is often referred to as the “new” blue gold of the 21st century. With untold profits to be made in controlling this vital resource, private entrepreneurs and corporations are vying to manage the world’s water. But is it a good idea?


Women Rising XIII: Enterprising Women

We profile four women entrepreneurs, bravely starting businesses where no one else has ventured and who are leading a worldwide grassroots movement to create micro-enterprise.


Two Years After Katrina: Still Weathering the Storm

It’s been two years since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita hit the Gulf Coast.
Two years since the levees broke and changed the face of an entire city, state and region.
And despite hopeful signs of renewal, New Orleans and many parts of the Gulf Coast are still in disrepair. So how much has really changed? How much has stayed the same?


Catch of the Day: Mercury (encore edition)

On this edition, we go to the San Francisco Bay. Joined by a public health analyst, we’ll talk to local fisherman, new moms, restaurant-goers and the E.P.A. about mercury.
