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Heavy Weather (Part II)

We’ll hear part two of a documentary called Heavy Weather, produced by freelancer Barbara Bernstein. She’ll look at how climate change is creating new challenges in urban communities as they recognize the need to think and act sustainably.


Heavy Weather (Part I)

We’ll hear part one of a documentary called Heavy Weather, produced by freelancer Barbara Bernstein. She’ll explore the connections between the increase in extreme weather and our changing climate and landscapes.


Trade Shifts: Reflections on the Seattle WTO Protests

Ten years ago this week, thousands of people shook the streets of Seattle in protest of the World Trade Organization. On this edition, we revisit the voices from that week and find out how global economic forces have shifted in the past decade.


Tapped Out: Clean Water in Peril

From a grassroots toxic canal clean up to a long-standing watershed war, we’ll hear from U.S. water stewards across the country. They’re people working to protect and restore our valuable fresh waterways and to keep water resources part of a shared global commons.


Swimming Upstream: Can Our Rivers Be Saved?

Freshwater is our most vital natural resource. It’s a finite one too, although we don’t always treat it that way. So how do we protect our water supply? Many say start at the source––take care of the rivers.


The Greening of America: A New Deal for Everyone?

President Obama wants a New Deal–– only this one is green. Obama plans to create more than two-and-half million “green” jobs over the next two years. But will these jobs be as plentiful and equitable as the new administration will have us believe?


The War Dance of the Winnemem Wintu

A small tribe in Northen California tell the story of their struggle to prevent the flooding of the sacred land they have called home for centuries.


A Report Back from the World Water Forum

One billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and at least 31 countries face water scarcity. We hear from organizers working for the right to water on a global level, about the failures of private water management, and alternatives to corporate control.


Green Jobs, Race and Economic “Recovery”

The Obama Administration is spending billions to create so-called green jobs. But what are these jobs and who will get them? We hear from community advocates who are working to make sure the green jobs money benefits those who need it the most.


Exxon’s Oil to Tennessee’s Coal

Twenty years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill, we hear from Alaskans who saw their homes forever altered, and have been fighting Exxon in court ever since. And we go to Tennessee, where a 2008 coal sludge flood is being called the new Exxon Valdez.
