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Due to Economic Concerns, Gulf Coast Residents Still Support Big Oil

Many of those most closely affected by the devastation of the gulf spill are, in fact, not calling for any change at all.


Beyond BP: A Future Without Oil

We go to the gulf coast to hear why, despite the dangerous and deadly consequences, locals aren’t ready to turn their backs on the oil industry.  What does that mean for the rest of us, as we pursue a future free of fossil fuels?


A Waste-Free Dairy of the Future?

With increased focus on cattle waste methane emissions as a factor in climate change, the dairy industry is facing intense scrutiny. Making Contact’s Rita Daniels takes us to one sustainable California dairy farm where solutions are being found… and where waste makes all things possible.


Dry Farming–a Technique for a Water Scarce Future

The availability of water is a growing issue in California. And a handful of farmers are finding new ways to make every last drop count. “Making Contact” correspondent Joaquin Palomino visited the nearby Central Coast growing region.


Small Farms, Big Future

We go to California, America’s leading producer of fruits, vegetables, and dairy, to see some examples of how the nation’s agricultural industry is slowly but surely moving away from factory farms.


No ‘Fracking’ Way: The Perils of Natural Gas Drilling

We’ll hear excerpts from the movie “Gasland,” and from locals from people who are trying to prevent the toxic fallout from ‘fracking’ before it starts.


In Absence of Federal Regulation,
Locals Challenge Fracking

Reporter Rachel Zurer has more on citizen initiatives to stop the negative impacts of hydraulic fractures — ideally, before they even start.


Crisis as Opportunity: Voices from the U.S. Social Forum

This June, thousands of grassroots activists converged on Detroit, Michigan to attend the 2010 United States Social Forum. We were there and on this edition of Making Contact, we’ll bring you some of the local and international voices we found.


James Lawson: Non-Violent Warrior

An interview with James Lawson, the chief architect of the 1960 lunch counter sit-ins, and confidant to Martin Luther King. Lawson touches on everything from Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez to the modern gay rights and environmental movements.


The Road to Detroit: US Social Forum 2010

This June, the US Social Forum will be held in Detroit, Michigan.  We look at how Domestic Workers got organized at the last US Social Forum and we ask, what can we learn from the fall and rise of one of America’s great industrial cities?
