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Sex, Lies, and the Classroom

Decades after Roe v. Wade, many young people still lack the resources to make informed choices about sex. On this edition, a discussion about comprehensive sex Ed in schools, federal funding, and parental involvement.


Looking Back, Moving Forward: 2010 Year in Review

The earthquake in Haiti. The BP oil spill. A crumbling US economy and educational system. And domestic workers in New York receive a historic bill of rights. We look back at some stories we brought you in 2010, and look ahead to 2011.


The Crisis in Public Education – An Hour-Long Special

On this special one-hour edition of Making Contact, we’ll hear who bears the burden of budget cuts to education, and the driving forces behind them.


The Road to Detroit: US Social Forum 2010

This June, the US Social Forum will be held in Detroit, Michigan.  We look at how Domestic Workers got organized at the last US Social Forum and we ask, what can we learn from the fall and rise of one of America’s great industrial cities?


How We Survive: The Crisis in K-12 Education

State budgets are strapped and deep cuts to public programs continue. On this edition, we look at the crisis in K through 12 education. While the Obama administration pushes states to “Race to the Top,” teachers, parents and students are resisting budget cuts from the bottom up.


How We Survive: The ‘Crisis’ in Public Education

We continue our series, ‘How We Survive’. This week? It’s a time of crisis in higher education. And as administrators cast an eye toward privatization, students are mobilizing for change, and a voice in the system.


Portland State University, Inc.

Like other states across the country, Oregon is struggling with the question of how to fund higher education in a time of massive budget cuts. Portland State University president wants to incorporate it. But many students are saying no.


Beyond Wheeler:
UC Voices for Education as a Public Good

A story about the University at California at Berkeley mobilizations against the privatization of the public higher education system in light of budget cuts.


Marketing the Military (encore edition)

The United States military has recently been pouring millions of tax dollars into recruitment efforts in an attempt to counteract well-publicized, Iraq war-influenced, recruitment dropoffs.


Rethinking AIDS Treatment: The Brazilian Model (encore edition)

Independent producer Reese Erlich reports from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil about grassroots groups who have successfully educated sex workers and many others on the dangers of AIDS.
