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Burning Man’s ‘Gift Economy’

No commerce is allowed at Burning Man. It’s one of the most unusual economic structures in the world–a ‘gift economy’. Making Contact producer Andrew Stelzer’s been there, and sat down with Larry Harvey, the festival’s founder, to find out how it all works.


How We Survive: The Currency of Giving

A look into how struggling communities around the U.S. are meeting each others’ needs, without charity, or even exchanging a dollar.


Looking Back, Moving Forward: Making Contact’s 2009 Year in Review

Two wars continued, the economy remained in freefall, and as hardship ensued, people crafted creative solutions. We look back at some of the most compelling stories we brought you during 2009, and find out where things are headed for 2010.


How We Survive in these Economic Times

On this edition, we continue our series “How We Survive.” We meet a New York City street canner who’s changed his life and community one can at a time; A San Francisco couple paying the bills … with pickles? And we talk to author John Curl who says an unemployment movement may be on the rise.


Trade Shifts: Reflections on the Seattle WTO Protests

Ten years ago this week, thousands of people shook the streets of Seattle in protest of the World Trade Organization. On this edition, we revisit the voices from that week and find out how global economic forces have shifted in the past decade.


How We Survive: Sprouting Up in Empty Breadbaskets

The irony of food poverty in California’s agriculturally rich Central Valley and a look at community gardens popping up in food deserts. We also explore a project bringing healthy food to low income neighborhoods in Oakland, California.


How We Survive: Predatory ‘Mending’

Activists have been setting up community-run check-cashing and community loan funds as an alternative to predatory lending practices which led to our current foreclosure crisis.l


How We Survive: Renters, Rights, and Resistance

On this edition, we continue our series “How We Survive” and hear from renters and renters’ advocates about the invisible victims of the mortgage meltdown.


Still Looking for the Union Label

In a special collaboration with “Public Eye Magazine,” correspondent Abby Scher takes a look at the EFCA. We also hear from Amy Dean, a longtime union leader who talks about the future of labor unions and tells us what’s up with all the current infighting.


How We Survive: The Deepening Homeless Crisis (encore)

We visit with a family who lost their home and now lives inside their cramped trailer in a city parking lot. And we’ll hear how two different communities are dealing with the economic crisis by taking matters into their own hands.
