9 Shows to Listen to this Black History Month
This month at Making Contact, and all year round, we are excited to honor, celebrate and recount the stories of Black people and Black heritage in America. Storytelling allows us the opportunity to uncover the lives, the hope, and the people who built a better world for all of us. Too often these stories are lost or forgotten in time. Today, take some time to listen to some of those stories: 1.Tulsa & Black Wall Street Our most...
Denial of the Funk: The Impact of Racism on our Nation’s Health
The problem in America is, America’s been in denial about its problems. And that’s a problem. America doesn’t have a race problem, in reality there’s been catastrophes visited upon Black people. Catastrophes visited on Indigenous brothers and sisters. Catastrophes visited on Latino brothers and sisters. Catastrophes visited on working people. Catastrophes visited on women of all colors. We can go on and on. This week on...