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INS Secrets Unveiled: The U.S. War on Immigrants

On this edition of Making Contact, correspondents Sarah Olson and Pauline Bartolone examine the treatment of immigrants under new INS policies and practices.


Beyond the Dream: MLK and the Anti-War Movement

On this special edition of Making Contact, we take a look at Martin Luther King’s stance against the Vietnam war and its relevance today.


Job Security: Labor Rights and the U.S. War on Terrorism

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at national security and labor rights.


Racial Reflections: White Anti-Racist Activism

On this roundtable edition of Making Contact, we take a look at what’s termed white privilege and white anti-racist activism.


Leading the Way: Post 9/11 Student Activism

On this edition of Making Contact, we take a look at an emerging anti-war movement and some of the challenges students face in this post 9/11 era. This program is the second in a two-part series that was produced in collaboration with Foreign Policy in Focus, a co-sponsor of the First Monday Project 2002.


Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Terrorists

On this edition of Making Contact we take a look at this and other questions, as we examine civil liberties in this post-9/11 era. This program is the first in a two-part series that was produced in collaboration with Foreign Policy in Focus, a co-sponsor of the First Monday Project 2002.


Ripple Effects: Consequences of the U.S. War on Terrorism

There have been many intended and unintended consequences of what the U.S. government calls the War on Terrorism.


The First-Half Amendment: Freedom of the Press and War

On this edition of Making Contact, we hear from syndicated columnist Norman Solomon, who shares his take on the media and the first amendment since September 11th.


Above the Law? The U.S. and the International Criminal Court

On this program, we take a look at U.S. government opposition to the ICC. And, the National Radio Project’s Women’s Desk examines what the establishment of the court could mean for victims of sexual violence in wartime.


Trouble in the U.S.A.: Human Rights at Home

On this program, we take a look at human rights in the United States.
