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Investing in Insecurity Along U.S. Borders

Independent producer Joseph Richey visits Project 28 – Boeing’s security site, a 28-mile strip along the U.S.-Mexico border. Then we talk to “No One is Illegal” organizer, Harjap Grewal, about migration and international trade.


On New Ground: Liberating Gender & Sexuality

How do we challenge and overcome gender and sexual oppression? Three speakers at the Atlanta U.S. Social Forum have some answers.


Mothers, Migrants and Maids of Honor (encore edition)

They’re mothers, their migrants and they’re caregivers to our children and our
elders. Domestic workers are the backbone of many American families, their own families and their communities.


Beyond Bars: Community Resistance to Prison Expansion

In the U.S., more than more than 2 million people live behind prison bars. Dr. Ruth Gilmore, a professor of geography at the University of Southern California and a long-time prison activist, extracts lessons from more than two decades of on-the-ground community organizing against what’s been termed the “biggest prison building project in the history of the world.”


Human Rights and the African American Experience (encore edition)

On this edition we’ll hear about a deep discrepancy at the heart of America’s struggle for civil rights and human rights.


Black History Month – Say it LOUD!

On this edition, we celebrate Black History Month through the many voices of African Americans who made history and changed forever American culture, politics, and entertainment and the way we look at our country and ourselves.


Women Rising X: International Changemakers – Human Rights Advocates

Women are gaining influence as leaders throughout the world fighting for peace, justice, the environment and civil society. In this program we profile three courageous human rights advocates.


Liberty and Justice for… Whom?

Since the passing of the Patriot Act, many things have changed in the U.S., and not necessarily for the better. On this edition, we take a look at Bush Administration policies that many claim undermine basic human and civil liberties.


Last Rights: Respecting Diversity at the End of Life

In the American health care system, “good end-of-life care” often supports the white middle-class, but people of diverse religions, languages and races often have very different needs and expectations. On this edition, producer Claire Schoen looks at how miscommunication, stereotyping and racism influence health care for people of color as they approach death.


The War on Torture: U.S. Policy Exposed

On this edition, is the U.S. practicing inexcusable torture or are these instances of overzealous intelligence gathering by a nation at war?
