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Quick Fixes: U.S. Drug Policy

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The U.S. government has spent tens of billions of dollars on the so-called War on Drugs. Today, deaths from drug overdoses and the number of drug-related emergency room visits are at record levels. On this program we take a look at whether stiff prison sentences and international drug interdiction efforts — staples of U.S. drug policy — are reducing illegal drug use in the United States. We also examine some alternatives.

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UnConventional Coverage 2000:

Posted by on 1:21 pm in Uncategorized | 1 comment

Fresh, innovative coverage of the upcoming Republican and Democratic conventions, “UnConventional Coverage 2000” brings you live in-depth explorations, beyond the “political horserace.” Jobs, housing, access to health care, education, prisons, campaign finance reform, and democracy are among the topics covered from an independent non-partisan perspective.

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Inside Capital

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News From the Streets and Suites of Washington and the World During the week of April 10 through April 14, 2000, National Radio Project and Free Speech Radio News broadcast daily, half-hour programs focusing on the Spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank held in Washington, D.C. This collaborative project, “Inside Capital: News from the Streets and Suites of Washington and the World,” featured reports on IMF/World Bank proceedings and counter-events and demonstrations. Inside Capital includes stories...

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Narco Cover: Colombia and U.S. Foreign Policy

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Listen Live (29-minute streaming mp3) Download 64k mp3 The U.S. government wants to increase its military support to Colombia, the number one recipient of U.S. aid in the western hemisphere, and the number one violator of human rights. On this program we take a look at U.S. involvement in Colombia, and what’s behind U.S. counter-narcotics operations there. Featuring: Cecilia Zarate-Laun, Colombia Support Network; Carlos Salinas, Amnesty International; Stan Goff, a former special operations U.S. army officer in Latin America who served...

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World Trade Watch Radio

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During the World Trade Organization’s five day summit in Seattle, Washington, the National Radio Project collaborated with the Institute for Public Accuracy and Corporate Watch to broadcast live, one-hour daily programs.

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