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On this edition, producer Barbara Bernstein takes us on a journey into the land of salmon. Why are they so significant and what will it take to keep them from disappearing?

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Remembering Marla Ruzicka

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Remembering Marla Ruzicka

On this edition, we take a look at Marla Ruzicka’s life and work, through the words of some of her many friends and colleagues.

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Blocking the Highways of Globalization: Tales from Bolivia and Peru

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Throughout the 1980s and 90s, Latin America implemented the globalization policies demanded by the US. But now those policies are coming under fire.

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Media Justice: Access and Accountability

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On this edition, we’ll take a look at Media Justice, and the grassroots efforts to make media more accountable.

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Children Denied: Family Cap and Foster Care

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Children Denied: Family Cap and Foster Care

On this special Welfare Radio Collaborative edition of Making Contact, we’ll explore the “family-cap” and its effect on women’s lives, as well as the studies that call it into question.

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Social Security “Reform”: Rolling Back the New Deal

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On this edition, we’ll explore the importance of the program to those often overlooked in the current debate over Social Security, like young people, and the disabled.

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The Third Option – Assisted Suicide (encore edition)

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In 1994, Oregonians voted to make doctor assisted suicide legal, the only law of its type in United States. Ten years later, it’s still controversial. On this edition, correspondent Barbara Bernstein speaks with activists and analysts on both sides of the issue.

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Fake News Flap – VNRs and Covert Propaganda

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On this week’s edition, we’ll take a look at video news releases and the VNR industry.

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Queer Youth Challenges

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On this edition, we’ll take a look at the unique perspective of LGBTQ youth on such topics as foster care, childhood sexual abuse, and disability.

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Plan Colombia: Drug War Without End

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Independent producer Reese Erlich visits rural farmers and urban shanty towns in Colombia, and talks with high ranking Colombian politicians to learn about Plan Colombia, an effort to reduce cocaine production.

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Land for Those Who Work It

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On this edition Associate Producer Pauline Bartolone guides us through the daily lives of those seeking agrarian reform in southern Brazil.

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Kurds: From Oppressed to Oppressors

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On this edition, correspondent Aaron Glantz takes an in depth look at the six million Kurds in Iraq, their years of suffering under Saddam Hussein’s regime, and their drive towards an independent country in the future.

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Humanitarian Crisis in Haiti

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On this edition, Correspondent Reed Lindsay takes a look at the offensive launched by the U.S.-backed Haitian government against supporters of the former president.

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Women’s Movements in Palestine

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On this edition, correspondent Sarah Olson talks with Palestinian women about their experiences fighting for peace, democracy and gender equality.

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World Social Forum ’05: Fostering Dignity in Africa

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On this edition, we’ll hear from African women leaders who say the dignity of peoples in the developing world is depleting. During the January 2005 World Social Forum, they proposed alternatives to the root causes of suffering.

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Global Trade: Neither Free Nor Fair

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On this edition we’ll hear how workers in Ghana are struggling to cope with the pressures of globalization. We’ll also take a look at the ballooning United States trade deficit, and examine the fair trade label.

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Moving Beyond the Binary System

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Moving Beyond the Binary System

On this edition, we take a look at a couple navigating their relationship through the crossfire of gender identity, follow one woman’s experience of changing her sex, and explore legislation and public education efforts to protect transgender people.

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Many Minds in an Army of One

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Many Minds in an Army of One

On this special report, prepared by Associate Producer Justin Beck, we take a look at some of the different ways the war has affected soldiers and their families, both personally — and politically.

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Seeing Red: Marshalling Cultural Anger in Middle America

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Seeing Red: Marshalling Cultural Anger in Middle America

On this edition, we’ll hear from Thomas Frank, author of “What’s the Matter with Kansas: How Conservatives Won the Political Heart of America.”

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Capturing Dreams: Race and Public Policy in the United States

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On this edition, we’ll hear from leaders in the racial justice movement and their visions for a more equitable society.

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