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Left Forum: Forging A Radical Future

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Left Forum: Forging A Radical Future

On this edition, we hear selections from the opening panel of the Left Forum, recorded March 9, 2007. The 2007 Left Forum was subtitled: ‘Forging a Radical Political Future,’ but creating leftist vision in today’s world generated some questions: is ‘reform’ alone the best that leftists can hope for? if not, what are steps to deep economic, and social transformation, kinds of organizations needed bring about real change?”

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Who Would Jesus Tax?

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Who Would Jesus Tax?

On this edition, we talk with a single mom and a tax fairness advocate to debunk some myths about how wealth is created and what people can do to change tax policy.

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The Color of Wealth (encore edition)

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The Color of Wealth (encore edition)

Author and organizer Meizhu Lui was a kitchen worker for 20 years, and she rose through the labor ranks to become president of her local union. Now she’ executive director of United for a Fair Economy, a non-partisan group that raises awareness about the damaging consequences of concentrated wealth and power in the United States.

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Many Lines of Fire: Women at War

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Many Lines of Fire: Women at War

On this edition, Sarah Olson speaks with veterans of the U.S. Army, Navy and Marines, and to one active duty soldier who served for a year as an Army journalist in Iraq.

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Catch of the Day: Mercury

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Catch of the Day: Mercury

On this edition, we go to the San Francisco Bay, joined by a public health analyst, we’ll talk to local fisherman, new moms, restaurant-goers and the E.P.A. about mercury.

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Brothers at Odds: The U.S. Army vs. Lt. Ehren Watada

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Brothers at Odds: The U.S. Army vs. Lt. Ehren Watada

On this edition, Aaron Glantz sheds light on the events and issues surrounding the recent court martial of Lt. Watada.

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Women Rising XI: International Council of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers

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Women Rising XI: International Council of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers

In this program, we visit with three eloquent members of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, a global alliance of elder women healers who represent more than 900 years of collective wisdom and traditions.

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Last Stand for Choice in Mississippi (encore edition)

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Last Stand for Choice in Mississippi (encore edition)

On this edition, with mid-term elections upon us, Making Contact’s Sarah Olson takes a closer look at the Mississippi women fighting for reproductive justice as they try to save the one remaining abortion clinic in the state.

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Legacy of Torture

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Legacy of Torture

In this special documentary from the Freedom Archives, we hear from some of the accused members of the Black Panther party; they describe the torture and how they were targeted for their political activities.

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New Orleans Now: Can Art Help Heal a Broken City?

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New Orleans Now: Can Art Help Heal a Broken City?

Take a tour with us through the streets and landscapes of New Orleans as we discover creative art displays that reflect the city’s deep cultural roots, the troubled times it faces, and the sense of hope being nurtured in the midst of Katrina’s rubble.

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Human Rights and the African American Experience (encore edition)

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Human Rights and the African American Experience (encore edition)

On this edition we’ll hear about a deep discrepancy at the heart of America’s struggle for civil rights and human rights.

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Black History Month – Say it LOUD!

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Black History Month – Say it LOUD!

On this edition, we celebrate Black History Month through the many voices of African Americans who made history and changed forever American culture, politics, and entertainment and the way we look at our country and ourselves.

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Civil War in Burma, Karen Women in Exile

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Civil War in Burma, Karen Women in Exile

Producer Jack Chance and the international documentary team Outer Voices went to Burma and Thailand to interview refugee activists from the Karen Women’s Organization and this is their story.

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Are We Fighting Bush’s War on Sin?

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Are We Fighting Bush’s War on Sin?

Author and professor Ira Chernus, examines the connections between conservative religious doctrine, “moral values,” and the Bush Administration’s national security policies.

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Harvesting Justice (encore edition)

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Harvesting Justice (encore edition)

On this edition, we’ll hear from speakers working on behalf of farm workers in the U.S. today, and we’ll hear from some of the farm workers themselves.

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Lockdown on Life: Stories from Women Behind Bars

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Lockdown on Life: Stories from Women Behind Bars

On this edition, we take you to two U.S. prisons ­ behind the bars and into the lives of incarcerated women.

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Looking Back, Moving Forward

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Looking Back, Moving Forward

As the year 2006 comes to an end, we take a look back at three hot button issues that we covered over the past year: the Iraq War, U.S. immigration, and the ongoing efforts to rebuild New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

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Women Rising X: International Changemakers – Human Rights Advocates

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Women Rising X: International Changemakers – Human Rights Advocates

Women are gaining influence as leaders throughout the world fighting for peace, justice, the environment and civil society. In this program we profile three courageous human rights advocates.

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Oaxaca Libre, La Lucha Sigue! (Free Oaxaca, The Fight Continues!)

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Oaxaca Libre, La Lucha Sigue! (Free Oaxaca, The Fight Continues!)

What started out as an annual teachers strike in the historic Mexican town of Oaxaca has become the largest people’s rebellion in the country in over a decade. Making Contact takes you to the occupied streets of Oaxaca where thousands are fighting for the future of their city.

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Liberty and Justice for… Whom?

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Liberty and Justice for… Whom?

Since the passing of the Patriot Act, many things have changed in the U.S., and not necessarily for the better. On this edition, we take a look at Bush Administration policies that many claim undermine basic human and civil liberties.

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