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My T-Shirt Says it All

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My T-Shirt Says it All

On this edition, we’ll hear how three T-shirt designers use the garments as a way to fight racism, communicate cultural identity, and mourn friends who’ve passed away.

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A Crisis of Care: A System on Life Support

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A Crisis of Care: A System on Life Support

In the last of our three-part series, A Crisis of Care: A System on Life Support, we’ll hear from experts offering an insiders view on the continuing health care crisis in California’s prisons.

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No One is Illegal

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No One is Illegal

On this edition, we’ll hear from Harjap Grewal, an organizer with the Canadian-based group, ‘No One is Illegal’ who speaks about global migration, guest worker programs and the brewing resistance in what he calls ‘Fortress North America.

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Tariq Ali and David Barsamian in Conversation about Pakistan

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Tariq Ali and David Barsamian in Conversation about Pakistan

British-Pakistani author, Tariq Ali, talks about Pakistan’s history, recent news events, and about what the future holds for the country.

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Conventional Dissent: Free Speech in the Streets

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Conventional Dissent: Free Speech in the Streets

On this edition, in a collaboration with Abby Scher of Public Eye Magazine, we talk with New Yorkers who exposed the police abuses, and lawyers in the cities where the Democratic and Republican conventions will be held this summer, as they fight to prevent similar tactics.

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Immigration Nightmares: From Raids to Deportations

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Immigration Nightmares: From Raids to Deportations

On this edition, we’ll follow the trail from ICE raids in New York City, to a detention center in Texas, and finally, deportation to Tijuana, Mexico to explore the lives of undocumented workers who live in constant fear of being arrested, jailed and deported.

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America, America

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America, America

On this edition, ‘America, America’ we go to the streets of richmond, california where Jairo’s story takes place to hear how a life altering event could force him hang up his cleats and choose between game he loves people loves.

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Cracks in the Edifice

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Cracks in the Edifice

Participants at Left Forum identified the ongoing war in Iraq… the impending economic recession… and the devastating results of free trade policies worldwide as issues as more than just failings of the current administration, but instead, as cracks in what they call “the edifice” of u.s. empire.

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Who Would Jesus Tax? (encore edition)

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Who Would Jesus Tax? (encore edition)

We talk with a single mom and a tax fairness advocate to debunk some myths about how wealth is created and what people can do to change tax policy and at how an under-reported union between political conservatives and the Christian right preserves the gap between the haves and have-nots.

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A Crisis of Care: Gina’s Story (Part 2)

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A Crisis of Care: Gina’s Story (Part 2)

On the second of our three-part series, ‘A Crisis of Care,’ a look inside California’s prison health care system, we continue ‘Gina’s Story.’

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A Crisis of Care: Gina’s Story (Part 1)

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A Crisis of Care: Gina’s Story (Part 1)

This is the first of a three-part series, ‘A Crisis of Care,’ a look inside the prison health care system in the state of California, where we learn about ‘Gina’s Story’ within the prison system.

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Blood, Freedom and Oil: 5 Years in Iraq

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Blood, Freedom and Oil: 5 Years in Iraq

This week, we hear from people on many sides of the conflict of the war in Iraq; military, civilian, and academic.

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No Place to Live

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No Place to Live

On this edition, we’ll hear from people in California who are fighting to keep not just their homes, but to preserve the unique culture of the communities they are a part of.

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Women Rising XVI: Civil Disobedience and Resistance

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Women Rising XVI: Civil Disobedience and Resistance

In this program, we profile two international change-makers dedicated to nonviolent civil disobedience and resistance, Medea Benjamin and Saw Myat Mar.

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Rhythms of Zapata

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Rhythms of Zapata

Every major social movement has its music, its anthems, its songs. Music tells the story of a people, their dreams, their hopes, their vision for a different world. But what happens when the music crosses borders to embrace new cultures? In the U.S., people of color have been turning more and more to the Zapatismo, a Mayan indigenous movement in the jungles and mountains of southern Mexico, as a source of hope and as proof that, as the Zapatistas say, a different world is possible. On this edition, we go to East Los Angeles, where a number of...

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Whose Neighborhood is This Anyway?

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Whose Neighborhood is This Anyway?

On this edition, Making Contact intern Joaquin Palomino spoke to former gang members, and other mission residents, about gang injunctions, a controversial legal strategy that’s divided the community of San Francisco.

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Still Talking About Sex

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Still Talking About Sex

On this edition, we’ll hear from the former attorney general, Joycelyn Elders, who to this day remains a fierce advocate for health related policies.

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From Brooklyn to Bethlehem: Separate Histories, Common Struggles

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From Brooklyn to Bethlehem: Separate Histories, Common Struggles

In this program, we’ll explore the power of solidarity…from the perspectives of young people in Brooklyn, New York, a member of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, and a historian and mother who lives in Palestine.

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Reproductive Justice: Voices from SisterSong (encore edition)

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Reproductive Justice: Voices from SisterSong (encore edition)

On this edition from our Women’s Desk, we hear from three women advocating for comprehensive reproductive health, that include the issues of sex education, HIV and AIDS prevention, housing, educational opportunities, queer-conscious-healthcare, the economic resources to support a child, the right to live free of violence, as well as an analysis of reproductive technologies.

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Paradise Lost: Military Training in Makua Valley

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Paradise Lost: Military Training in Makua Valley

Native Hawaiian and Making Contact intern Samson Reiny reports on what happens when the military takes over Makua Valley, a historically sacred land, and on how people are fighting back to reclaim this once pristine area.

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