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Women Rising XIX: Masters of the Spoken Word

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Women Rising XIX: Masters of the Spoken Word

We profile two American masters of the spoken word; provoking, inspiring, and moving us to action. Eve Ensler, playwright of the hit ‘Vagina Monologues’ shares the innovative work of her organization, V-Day, and renowned storyteller, Diane Ferlatte, talks with us about using her art as an international bridge over cultural divides.

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What Kind of Liberation? Women and Iraq

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What Kind of Liberation? Women and Iraq

Author and activist Nadje Al-Ali talks about the reality of women’s lives in Iraq.

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Erica Fernandez vs. BHP Billiton Petroleum

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Erica Fernandez vs. BHP Billiton Petroleum

Erica Fernandez successfully helped her community defy a multi-national billion-dollar corporation from building a liquefied natural gas facility near her home town.

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How We Survive: The Deepening Homeless Crisis

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How We Survive: The Deepening Homeless Crisis

We visit with a family who lost their home and now lives inside their cramped trailer in a city parking lot. And, how two different communities are dealing with the economic crisis by taking matters into their own hands.

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We’re Not Couch Potatoes: TV Fans Get Politically Active Online

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We’re Not Couch Potatoes: TV Fans Get Politically Active Online

We take a look back at the 2007 writers’ strike, and see how the largest political force in the country, television watchers, helped bring the networks to their knees.

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Conversation on Kashmir with Arundhati Roy and David Barsamian

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Conversation on Kashmir with Arundhati Roy and David Barsamian

David Barsamian speaks with renowned author and activist Arundhati Roy about the future of Kashmir.

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Black and African (encore edition)

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Black and African (encore edition)

African immigrants are the fastest growing segment of the black population in the U.S. But the cultural boundaries between black Americans and African immigrants are hard to break down.

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Palestine: Perspectives on the Occupation

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Palestine: Perspectives on the Occupation

We hear from several Palestinians about how they’ve personally been affected. And we get the Israeli government’s perspective on the current situation as we begin 2009.

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The Peculiar Business of Wayne C. Henderson: How Guitar Making Saved His Life

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The Peculiar Business of Wayne C. Henderson: How Guitar Making Saved His Life

We travel to the homeland of American bluegrass to visit the workshop of guitar builder Wayne C. Henderson.

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Dateline Havana: The Future Of Cuba

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Dateline Havana: The Future Of Cuba

We look at how Cuba brought about equality for symphony musicians and it’s efforts to feed itself through the world’s largest organic farming experiment.

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Women Rising XVIII: Rescuers of Wildlife

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Women Rising XVIII: Rescuers of Wildlife

Four women leaders work throughout the world, from Asia to Latin America to defend animal rights.

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Year in Review 2008

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Year in Review 2008

3 stories from 2008: Iraq war veterans speaking out; a crackdown on immigrants in Arizona; and the creation of a reproductive health care program for low-income women of color in post-Katrina New Orleans.

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Born in Flames: Case of the New Jersey 7

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Born in Flames: Case of the New Jersey 7

On this edition, we hear from two of the ‘New Jersey 7’ women and the people fighting to clear their names.

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A Journey To Darfur: Rethinking Intervention

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A Journey To Darfur: Rethinking Intervention

On this edition, we’ll hear what it’s like to embed with rebels in Darfur and hear new perspectives on intervening in the crisis.

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The Color of AIDS: Bringing “Risk” Up to Date (encore edition)

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The Color of AIDS: Bringing “Risk” Up to Date (encore edition)

The percentage of cases of women living with HIV has tripled in the past 20 years, and women of color are most affected. Generating more relevant prevention models is literally a matter of life and death, especially for women of color.

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Food for Thought

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Food for Thought

Solutions for our ongoing food crisis are explored, from food production in a skyscraper to urban farms and food banks.

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Dismantling the Master’s House: Indigenous Strategies and the Limits of Law

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Dismantling the Master’s House: Indigenous Strategies and the Limits of Law

Around the world, indigenous communities are fighting for ­ and winning ­ long-awaited legal and political recognition. At times this recognition leads to special laws and status for First Nations people, but some say this new status comes at a cost: the loss of true self-determination for their communities.

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State of Fear: Arizona’s Immigrant Crackdown

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State of Fear: Arizona’s Immigrant Crackdown

On this edition, Making Contact producer Andrew Stelzer brings us the story of Maricopa County where Sheriff Arpaio’s policing tactics, which many call illegal, may be paving the way for future U.S. immigration policy.

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La Llorona: An Evolving Myth

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La Llorona: An Evolving Myth

Student producer Beth Hoffman brings us a look at the myth of La Llorona as told in Oakland, California today, and tells how its meaning has grown and changed over time.

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Live From Main Street Seattle: Women on Real National Security

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Live From Main Street Seattle: Women on Real National Security

Lets move beyond lipstick and hockey pucks to examine how issues of national security impact our daily lives, and ask the tough questions about how to build a better future.

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