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The Sound of Change: Hip Hop in Cuba

Posted by on 6:44 pm in Uncategorized | 6 comments

The Sound of Change: Hip Hop in Cuba

We hear about hip-hop and change in Cuban society, and what people on the ground are saying about new phases in the Cuban revolution.

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Whose Water? The Struggle for Public Ownership of Freshwater

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Whose Water? The Struggle for Public Ownership of Freshwater

We go to Michigan, where from the city of Detroit, to the farmlands and countryside, citizens are battling to gain greater control over the bounty of the great lakes.

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Marching for Change: Street Bands in the U.S.

Posted by on 4:37 pm in Uncategorized | 1 comment

Marching for Change: Street Bands in the U.S.

We look at how political marching bands are stirring up public spaces; from the streets, to supermarkets to your Facebook feed. 

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The Life and Death of the Infernal Noise Brigade

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The Life and Death of the Infernal Noise Brigade

While there are now dozens of street bands around the country and abroad, one from Seattle is known to have been an inspiration. The Infernal Noise Brigade debuted at the Seattle WTO protests in 1999.

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Street Bands Bring Protest to the Internet through Flash Mobs

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Street Bands Bring Protest to the Internet through Flash Mobs

Some marching bands are getting more creative about making a political spectacle, by becoming the protest themselves, and using the internet to make their message viral. Making Contact’s Pauline Bartolone knows all about it. Her roommates are in a band called the Brass Liberation Orchestra in San Francisco.

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Marching to the Beat of their Own Drums

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Marching to the Beat of their Own Drums

Marching bands from North Carolina to Portland, Oregon are bringing humor, politics, and a unique sound to the streets – many of them with a message of social justice. Once a year, many of these street bands travel to Massachusettes for the Honk Festival. Sarah Danson has more about the festival, and the historical and political traditions that fuel their music.

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Chile’s 9/11 [Encore]

Posted by on 6:19 pm in All Shows, Encore | 2 comments

Chile’s 9/11 [Encore]

On September 11th, 1973, a US-backed military junta toppled Chilean president Salvador Allende. We bring you a story about a group of Chilean exiles in the US who transform their experience of terror into artistic expression.

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Working Beyond Unions [Labor Day Special Encore]

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Working Beyond Unions [Labor Day Special Encore]

It’s been decades since the U.S. has had a powerful labor movement and recent efforts to revive it have mostly fallen flat. But there is hope for a new labor movement that goes beyond the unions.

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Due to Economic Concerns, Gulf Coast Residents Still Support Big Oil

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Due to Economic Concerns, Gulf Coast Residents Still Support Big Oil

Many of those most closely affected by the devastation of the gulf spill are, in fact, not calling for any change at all.

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Beyond BP: A Future Without Oil

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Beyond BP: A Future Without Oil

We go to the gulf coast to hear why, despite the dangerous and deadly consequences, locals aren’t ready to turn their backs on the oil industry.  What does that mean for the rest of us, as we pursue a future free of fossil fuels?

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Turning Farm Workers into Farm Owners

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Turning Farm Workers into Farm Owners

It’s ironic that the workers caring for and picking our food, have the least say about how the farms themselves are run. But a non-profit organization in Central California is working to change that, with a dynamic program that turns farm workers into farm operators and owners.

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A Waste-Free Dairy of the Future?

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A Waste-Free Dairy of the Future?

With increased focus on cattle waste methane emissions as a factor in climate change, the dairy industry is facing intense scrutiny. Making Contact’s Rita Daniels takes us to one sustainable California dairy farm where solutions are being found… and where waste makes all things possible.

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Dry Farming–a Technique for a Water Scarce Future

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Dry Farming–a Technique for a Water Scarce Future

The availability of water is a growing issue in California. And a handful of farmers are finding new ways to make every last drop count. “Making Contact” correspondent Joaquin Palomino visited the nearby Central Coast growing region.

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Small Farms, Big Future

Posted by on 3:46 pm in Environment, Uncategorized | 4 comments

Small Farms, Big Future

We go to California, America’s leading producer of fruits, vegetables, and dairy, to see some examples of how the nation’s agricultural industry is slowly but surely moving away from factory farms.

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How We Survive: Getting Creative About Jobs

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How We Survive: Getting Creative About Jobs

We look at how the unemployed are getting creative about making ends meet, from starting their own businesses to work-sharing.

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Companies Choose Shared-Work Program Over Layoffs

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Companies Choose Shared-Work Program Over Layoffs

Instead of laying a few people off during a downturn in business, companies can choose to decrease the hours of all of their employees, and government provided, partial unemployment benefits can help make up for the rest. In Connecticut, more than 500 companies have gone the work-share route. Correspondant Melinda Tuhus has more.

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Bay Area Non-Profits Help Create Jobs by Supporting Micro-Enterprise

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Bay Area Non-Profits Help Create Jobs by Supporting Micro-Enterprise

Despite Obama’s words of support of small business, experts say some aren’t relying on government, but more and more on community groups and micro-lenders. That’s what Making Contact correspondent Li Lovett found, talking to micro-entrepreneurs in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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The Crisis in Public Education – An Hour-Long Special

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The Crisis in Public Education – An Hour-Long Special

On this special one-hour edition of Making Contact, we’ll hear who bears the burden of budget cuts to education, and the driving forces behind them.

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No ‘Fracking’ Way: The Perils of Natural Gas Drilling

Posted by on 10:20 pm in Environment | 4 comments

No ‘Fracking’ Way: The Perils of Natural Gas Drilling

We’ll hear excerpts from the movie “Gasland,” and from locals from people who are trying to prevent the toxic fallout from ‘fracking’ before it starts.

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In Absence of Federal Regulation,
Locals Challenge Fracking

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Locals Challenge Fracking

In Absence of Federal Regulation, Locals Challenge Fracking

Reporter Rachel Zurer has more on citizen initiatives to stop the negative impacts of hydraulic fractures — ideally, before they even start.

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