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Bees: The Threatened Link in Food Security

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Bees: The Threatened Link in Food Security

Honey bees help pollinate 1 in every 3 bites we eat. But they’re fighting to survive, in a world filled with pesticides and parasites. We’ll learn about colony collapse disorder and hear from beekeepers, researchers, and gardeners who are trying to protect the honey bee.

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The War You Don’t See

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The War You Don’t See

Was mainstream media in cahoots with government forces in the lead up to the Iraq War? In his film, “The War You Don’t See,” Australian journalist John Pilger reveals the how American and British journalists contributed to the drumbeat of war, and how they could have prevented the invasion of Iraq.

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Presumed Guilty: American Muslims and Arabs (9-11 Encore Edition)

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Presumed Guilty: American Muslims and Arabs (9-11 Encore Edition)

American Arabs and Muslims are under the microscope, and many feel demonized and say they are living in fear of arrest. On this edition, we’ll hear stories about the past 10 years of anti-Arab profiling and prosecution. We also look at parallels with the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.

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Who Won the Egyptian Revolution?

Posted by on 3:09 pm in Labor, Uncategorized | 1 comment

Who Won the Egyptian Revolution?

Hosni Mubarak’s dictatorship is gone, but a military council now rules Egypt, and has kept much of Mubarak’s repressive apparatus. Meanwhile, extremist Islamist groups want to adopt undemocratic, right-wing policies. Producer Reese Erlich goes to Cairo to ask: “Who Won the Egyptian Revolution?”

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Christian Parenti: Unstable Climate, Unstable People

Posted by on 2:26 pm in Environment | 2 comments

Christian Parenti: Unstable Climate, Unstable People

Journalist Christian Parenti speaks about his new book, Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence. He connects the effects of climate change to the increasing number of civil wars, ethnic violence, criminality and failed states in Kenya, Brazil and India, among others.

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Not My Zion: American Jews Divided on Israel and Palestine

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Not My Zion: American Jews Divided on Israel and Palestine

The American consensus on Israel and Palestine is breaking down. And Jewish Americans are playing a major role. But it’s not easy. On this edition, a Jewish American community divided. More and more members of the tribe are breaking a long-standing taboo, and voicing criticism of the Israel government.

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Being Black and Green: African-Americans & the Environment

Posted by on 12:31 pm in Environment | 1 comment

Being Black and Green: African-Americans & the Environment

African-Americans are helping to lead the environmental movement. We take you to a resettlement community in North Carolina, sustainable farms in Wisconsin and a local bike ride in California, where local black leaders are changing the color of environmentalism.

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Remixing Revolution: Art, Music and Politics

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Remixing Revolution: Art, Music and Politics

Art and music have long contributed to society and our way of life. But in these dire financial times, it’s not always a priority in our schools. On this edition, we bring you the voices of artists speaking on the importance of arts, music and

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The Wisconsin Workers Uprising (Part 2)

Posted by on 7:02 pm in Labor, Uncategorized | 2 comments

The Wisconsin Workers Uprising (Part 2)

Was the occupation of the state capital in Madison, Wisconsin a resurgence of organized labor in the United States, or the last gasp for unionized workers as they face continual erosion of their rights? This week, we hear Part 2 of a
retrospective documentary on the 2011 Wisconsin uprising, produced by Workers Independent News.

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The Wisconsin Workers Uprising (Part 1)

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The Wisconsin Workers Uprising (Part 1)

Was the occupation of the state capital in Madison, Wisconsin a resurgence of organized labor in the United States, or the last gasp for unionized workers as they face continual erosion of their rights? This week, we hear Part 1 of a retrospective documentary on the 2011 Wisconsin uprising, produced by Workers Independent News.

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Women Rising XXI: Women’s Rights to Water, Land, and Farming

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Women Rising XXI: Women’s Rights to Water, Land, and Farming

As part of our “Women Rising” series, we profile a dynamic partnership between the Women’s Earth Alliance and the Global Women’s Water Initiative: working on women’s rights to water, land, farming and basic human dignity. This is a special collaboration with Lynn Feinerman and Crown Sephira Productions.

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Climate Change Gridlock: Where Do We Go From Here? (Part 2)

Posted by on 9:51 am in Environment | 2 comments

Climate Change Gridlock: Where Do We Go From Here? (Part 2)

Global warming is no longer a fear for the future. It’s threatening human civilization, now. Part 2 of a special 2 part series produced by Brian Edwards Tiekert…on climate change that is happening, the political response that isn’t, and the people trying to break the gridlock.

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Climate Change Gridlock: Where Do We Go From Here? (Part 1)

Posted by on 8:24 am in Environment | 2 comments

Climate Change Gridlock: Where Do We Go From Here? (Part 1)

Global warming is no longer a fear for the future. It’s threatening human civilization, now. Part 1 of a special 2 part series produced by Brian Edwards Tiekert…on climate change that is happening, the political response that isn’t, and the people trying to break the gridlock.

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Marching for Change: Street Bands in the U.S. (encore)

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Marching for Change: Street Bands in the U.S. (encore)

We look at how political marching bands are stirring up public spaces; from the streets, to supermarkets to your Facebook feed. 

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Re-Humanizing Immigrants: Reflections by Maria Hinojosa

Posted by on 1:41 pm in Uncategorized | 6 comments

Re-Humanizing Immigrants: Reflections by Maria Hinojosa

Despite President Obama’s promise to change America’s broken immigration system, the dehumanization and detention of immigrants continues to rise. On this edition, Mexican-American journalist Maria Hinojosa speaks about the United States’ loss of humanity in dealing with immigrants and immigration.

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Chris Hedges on the Myth of Human Progress

Posted by on 12:52 pm in Uncategorized | 5 comments

Chris Hedges on the Myth of Human Progress

Renowned author Chris Hedges paints a bleak picture of our world today, in rapid economic, environmental, and religious decline-but we still have a chance to turn things around. On this edition, Hedges speaks about his new book, The World as it is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress.

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Seeking Justice and Police Accountability in Jamaica

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Seeking Justice and Police Accountability in Jamaica

Jamaica has a long history of police violence and corruption. In May 2010 a government crackdown left 73 people dead and a city in chaos. The majority of those victims are presumed innocent and their loved ones continue to seek justice.

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COINTELPRO 101 (Part 2)

Posted by on 1:49 pm in Uncategorized | 1 comment

COINTELPRO 101 (Part 2)

This week, we broadcast the second half of the documentary film “COINTELPRO 101,” about the secret FBI program which ran from 1956-1971, and disrupted many movements for self-determination by people of color in the U.S.. Today, we hear the second half of the film, produced by the Freedom Archives.

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COINTELPRO 101 (Part 1)

Posted by on 11:15 am in Uncategorized | 2 comments

COINTELPRO 101 (Part 1)

Over the next two weeks, we broadcast the documentary film “COINTELPRO 101,” about the secret FBI program which ran from 1956-1971, and disrupted many movements for self-determination by people of color in the U.S.. Today, we hear the first half of the film, produced by the Freedom Archives.

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Breaking the Psychological Chains of Slavery

Posted by on 1:23 pm in Uncategorized | 6 comments

Breaking the Psychological Chains of Slavery

African-Americans have endured more than 246 years of slavery, 100 years of racism and segregation. The trauma from that experience continues to impact African-Americans and society today. Dr. Joy DeGruy presents a discussion on post traumatic slave syndrome.

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