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Mending the Past: International Truth and Reconciliation

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Mending the Past: International Truth and Reconciliation

After Apartheid, after genocide and after civil wars—how do nations, or people who’ve been pitted against each other, resolve their differences and live together in peace? We host a round table discussion on reconciliation with community organizers from Serbia, South Africa, Azerbaijan, and Sudan.

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Police Tape: From Rodney King to Aiyana Jones

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Police Tape: From Rodney King to Aiyana Jones

It’s been 20 years since four white police officers were cleared of unlawfully beating Rodney King in Los Angeles. But we might never have heard of Rodney King had it not been for an amateur cameraman who caught the whole thing on tape. On this edition, we hear how video cameras have changed the way we see the police.

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Bigger Than Hip-Hop: Youth Speakin’ for Themselves

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Bigger Than Hip-Hop: Youth Speakin’ for Themselves

Spoken word. Its poetry…its hip-hop…and it’s increasingly, the chosen means of expression for today’s youth. On this edition, to celebrate National Poetry month, we bring you the poets and students of Youth Speaks, from their annual event in honor of another master orator, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. Special thanks to Youth Speaks. Featuring: James Kass, Youth Speaks founder & executive director; Talia Young, Dante Clark, Gretchen Carvahol, Prentice Powell, Justin Jodiatis, spoken word artists. —WEB SEGMENTS— Full length...

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Justice in the Home: Domestic Workers Re-define the Labor Movement

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Justice in the Home: Domestic Workers Re-define the Labor Movement

With the passage of New York’s Domestic Workers Bill of Rights in 2010, workers are now organizing in California and other states to win basic rights and protections long denied to this labor force. On this edition, we look at past and present struggles of domestic workers.

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Bees: The Threatened Link in Food Security ENCORE

Posted by on 2:02 pm in All Shows, Encore | 3 comments

Bees: The Threatened Link in Food Security ENCORE

Honey bees help pollinate 1 in every 3 bites we eat. But they’re fighting to survive, in a world filled with pesticides and parasites. We’ll learn about colony collapse disorder and hear from beekeepers, researchers, and gardeners who are trying to protect the honey bee.

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Cities Underwater: Venice and New Orleans Seek Solutions

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Cities Underwater: Venice and New Orleans Seek Solutions

Two historic jewels: New Orleans & Venice, Italy are struggling to plan for sea level rise, in cities that already routinely flood because of questionable urban planning. We go to both Venice and New Orleans, to look at some creative solutions, and what other coastal cities might do as the effects of climate change set in.

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Justice For Sale: Glenn Greenwald on the Rule of Law

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Justice For Sale: Glenn Greenwald on the Rule of Law

Author Glenn Greenwald talks about his book, ‘With Liberty and Justice for Some.’ Americans claim to live under the rule of law; that no one is above our system of justice. But as we witness more exceptions to that rule, there are growing doubts that fairness is a value we as a nation, still hold dear.

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Ban the Box! The Campaign for Post-Prison Employment

Posted by on 2:44 pm in Governance, Labor | 10 comments

Ban the Box! The Campaign for Post-Prison Employment

It’s not even the crime that counts sometimes. It’s that little box on an application that asks you to reveal if you have a criminal history. Checking that box can mean the difference between failure and success. We look at the nationwide movement to ‘ban-the-box’, and make criminal histories less of a stigma.

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Massachusetts Leads the Way in CORI Reform

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Massachusetts Leads the Way in CORI Reform

In the United States, an estimated 65 million people have had a brush with the law that resulted in a criminal record. And every year, about 650 thousand of them are released from prisons and jails—reemerging into society with one goal—to get back on their feet. To increase opportunity, some states are rethinking their approach to criminal records. Massachusetts is one. With assistance from Deborah Begel, Francesca Rheannon brings us this report.

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The Light Inside: Giving Birth Behind Bars

Posted by on 7:20 am in Governance, Health | 2 comments

The Light Inside: Giving Birth Behind Bars

A look at pregnancy, and motherhood, inside US jails and prisons. What does the huge number of incarcerated women in prison foretell for the next generation of America’s kids?

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Drips of Change: Preserving Our Freshwater

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Drips of Change: Preserving Our Freshwater

40 years after the Clean Water Act became law, the landscape of our water supply has been transformed, and regulation is being framed by some as an enemy of progress. On this edition, we look at how we manage our water in the twenty-first century. Are we doing too little, or are we trying to control too much?

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Capitalism Makes us Crazy: Dr Gabor Maté on Illness & Addiction

Posted by on 1:12 pm in Uncategorized | 10 comments

Capitalism Makes us Crazy: Dr Gabor Maté on Illness & Addiction

What’s the connection between the increase in chronic diseases, mental illness and drug addiction in our society today? On this edition, Dr. Gabor Mate talks about the relationship between mind and body health – and what the rise of capitalism has done to destroy both.

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Grace Lee Boggs in Conversation with Angela Davis — Transcript, web extra only

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Grace Lee Boggs in Conversation with Angela Davis — Transcript, web extra only

TRANSCRIPT (web extra only) see below. “On Revolution: A Conversation Between Grace Lee Boggs and Angela Davis” on Friday, March 2nd 2012 at Pauley Ballroom, University of California, Berkeley Part of the 27th Empowering Women of Color Conference, ‘A Holistic Approach: Justice, Access and Healing’ ANGELA DAVIS: First of all it’s really good to see you Grace it’s an unimaginable honor for me to share the stage with you this afternoon.  I would like to begin by acknowledging the Indigenous people who are the original inhabitants of the land on...

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Food, Justice and Sustainability

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Food, Justice and Sustainability

Michelle Obama’s plan to eliminate obesity includes partnering with major retailers like Walmart to bring affordable, healthy food to neighborhoods that are known as food deserts. But food justice activists are calling for solutions that come from communities, not from corporations.

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How to Occupy the Economy, According to Richard Wolff

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How to Occupy the Economy, According to Richard Wolff

Occupy Wall Street has changed the conversation about the distribution of wealth. So what now? What policy changes and initiatives should the movement be pushing for? Economics Professor Richard Wolff has some answers.

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Who Controls Black Women’s Bodies? (Encore)

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Who Controls Black Women’s Bodies? (Encore)

Reproductive health services for women are under attack, leaving poor women and women of color lacking access. But a broad coalition of women is striking back, changing the conversation on abortion and race.

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Tariq Ali on the Rise of the ‘Extreme Center’

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Tariq Ali on the Rise of the ‘Extreme Center’

As the U.S. prepares for another presidential election, journalist Tariq Ali says the ‘choices’ don’t present much in the way of options. On this edition, Ali speaks about the growth of the ‘extreme center’ and how Occupy and other emerging social movements are challenging the status quo.

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How to Change a System: Occupy and the Question of Non-Violence

Posted by on 5:32 pm in Uncategorized | 5 comments

How to Change a System: Occupy and the Question of Non-Violence

There’s a raging debate within the Occupy movement over what tactics should be used. On this edition, a debate from Oakland, California between practitioners of non-violence, versus those who believe a diversity of tactics is what Occupy needs to move forward.

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Inside the Syrian Uprising

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Inside the Syrian Uprising

As the popular uprising against the Syrian government continues, reporter Reese Erlich is one of the few foreign reporters who got into Syria to interview opposition demonstrators, government officials and impassioned supporters of President Bashar al Assad. On this edition, Erlich takes us inside the Syrian uprising.

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The Battle over Gang Injunctions in Oakland

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The Battle over Gang Injunctions in Oakland

The city of Oakland is divided over whether gang injunctions will help reduce a long-standing problem of street violence.  Here we report on a grassroots campaign, aiming to stop what many activists say is a problematic policy of racial profiling, that won’t help make the community any safer. Listen to the full segment and watch the three minute video below.   This program is reader supported, thanks to and is part of our investigation into how and whether...

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