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Capitalism Makes us Crazy: Dr Gabor Maté on Illness & Addiction

Posted by on 3:34 pm in All Shows, Arts & Culture, Health, Labor | Comments Off on Capitalism Makes us Crazy: Dr Gabor Maté on Illness & Addiction

Capitalism Makes us Crazy: Dr Gabor Maté on Illness & Addiction

What’s the connection between the increase in chronic diseases, mental illness and drug addiction in our society today? On this edition, Dr. Gabor Mate talks about the relationship between mind and body health – and what the rise of capitalism has done to destroy both.

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Partners in the Struggle

Posted by on 11:11 am in All Shows, Uncategorized | 2 comments

Partners in the Struggle

What does it mean to be an ally in a political movement? From white Americans in the civil rights era, to Israelis in Palestine, to Latino-Americans working with the undocumented…a roundtable discussion on the do’s and don’ts of how to be an effective ally.

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Cracking the Codes: Dr. Shakti Butler on the System of Racial Inequity

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Cracking the Codes: Dr. Shakti Butler on the System of Racial Inequity

How do we talk about race and racism in this country? Not as deeply as we should, according to filmmaker and educator Dr. Shakti Butler. On this edition, we hear excerpts from Dr. Butler’s film “Cracking the Codes”, and speak with her about using the medium of film to start conversations around the thorny issues of racial inequity. Featuring: Dr. Shakti Butler, World Trust founder and Creative Director; Humaira Jackson, Hugh Vasquez, Y. Jelal Huyler, Aeeshah B. Clottey, Ise Lyfe, Cracking the Codes interview subject. Thank...

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Permission to Speak: Political Prisoners in Burma

Posted by on 9:42 am in All Shows, Governance | Comments Off on Permission to Speak: Political Prisoners in Burma

Permission to Speak: Political Prisoners in Burma

As Burma transitions from dictatorship to democracy, hundreds of political prisoners have been freed after decades behind bars. On this edition, we hear from some of these freed political prisoners as they struggle to rebuild their lives, and test the emerging democracy.

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Manufacturing Terror: The Media’s Anti-Arab and Anti-Muslim Problem

Posted by on 12:36 pm in All Shows, Arts & Culture | Comments Off on Manufacturing Terror: The Media’s Anti-Arab and Anti-Muslim Problem

Manufacturing Terror: The Media’s Anti-Arab and Anti-Muslim Problem

After the Boston Marathon bombing, journalists scrambled to identify those responsible for the attack, and their motive. Rolling news and online message boards were filled with speculation, many pointing the finger at Muslims and Arabs. Does the media reinforce anti-Arab and anti-Muslim stereotypes? Featuring: Adel Iskandar, media and communications scholar; Mike German, ACLU Washington Legislative Office senior policy council; Maytha Alhassen, University of Southern California Provost Ph.D. Fellow in American Studies and Ethnicity; Ahmed...

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Undocumented and Undaunted: DREAMer Artists Speak Out

Posted by on 5:18 pm in All Shows, Arts & Culture | Comments Off on Undocumented and Undaunted: DREAMer Artists Speak Out

Undocumented and Undaunted: DREAMer Artists Speak Out

The struggles of undocumented youth in the US often fly under the radar of the mainstream media. But with the tools of creative expression and the power of social media, a new generation of young immigrants is making sure their voices are heard. On this edition, young undocumented artists speak their truth, as the world listens.

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Arundhati Roy: Jungles of Resistance

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Arundhati Roy: Jungles of Resistance

Renowned Indian author Arundhati Roy takes us deep into the revolutionary-filled jungles of India, as she reads excerpts from her new book ‘Walking with the Comrades’.

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Surviving Ex-Gay Therapy

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Surviving Ex-Gay Therapy

The growth of the ex-gay movement in the last two decades gave rise to hundreds of therapy programs aiming to change people’s sexual orientation. Many were explicitly religious, and claimed to be able to “pray away the gay”. But there’s a growing movement, led by survivors of ex-gay therapy, to disprove and ban these harmful practices for good. On this edition, stories of recovery from conversion therapy, and becoming ex- ex-gay.
Special Thanks to Robert Frazier of Monitor Studios and Terry Gildea of KUER.

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Taxes are for Suckers

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Taxes are for Suckers

Imagine paying almost nothing in taxes—sounds great doesn’t it? Some of America’s biggest companies are doing just that and making millions or even billions in profits, thanks to loopholes and political influence… On this edition, why does big business pay lower tax rates than the rest of us? And how activists have brought the issue into the spotlight.

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Transit For All:Should Buenos Aires’ trains be Re-Nationalized?

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Transit For All:Should Buenos Aires’ trains be Re-Nationalized?

When city budgets are cut, public transportation is often on the chopping block; routes and lines serving those who need the service most, can be the first to go. But from New York to Argentina, an emerging ‘transportation justice’ movement is standing up for people’s right to ride.

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Transit For All: Does make Portland Oregon’s TriMet Unfairly Cut Service for the Poor?

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Transit For All: Does make Portland Oregon’s TriMet Unfairly Cut Service for the Poor?

When city budgets are cut, public transportation is often on the chopping block; routes and lines serving those who need the service most, can be the first to go. But from New York to Argentina, an emerging ‘transportation justice’ movement is standing up for people’s right to ride.

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Transit For All: How NYC’s Public Transit Serves the Blind

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Transit For All: How NYC’s Public Transit Serves the Blind

When city budgets are cut, public transportation is often on the chopping block; routes and lines serving those who need the service most, can be the first to go. But from New York to Argentina, an emerging ‘transportation justice’ movement is standing up for people’s right to ride.

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Transit For All

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Transit For All

When city budgets are cut, public transportation is often on the chopping block; routes and lines serving those who need the service most, can be the first to go. But from New York to Argentina, an emerging ‘transportation justice’ movement is standing up for people’s right to ride.

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Our Bodies, Our Stories: Reproductive Health Behind Bars

Posted by on 10:55 am in All Shows, Governance, Health | Comments Off on Our Bodies, Our Stories: Reproductive Health Behind Bars

Our Bodies, Our Stories: Reproductive Health Behind Bars

Pregnant women in America’s prisons are being shackled to their beds; others are being sterilized. Correctional institutions claim the policies are for safety’s sake, but thousands of incarcerated people are fighting for control of their own reproductive health.

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Ten Years Later: Counting the Costs of War in Iraq

Posted by on 10:51 am in All Shows, Uncategorized | 3 comments

Ten Years Later: Counting the Costs of War in Iraq

We look back at the 2003 invasion of Iraq, 10 years later. For Iraqis, for the US military, and for the anti-war movement: how have things changed, and what has the world learned?

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Women Rising #22: International Anti-Nuclear Activists

Posted by on 1:55 pm in All Shows, Environment | 1 comment

Women Rising #22:  International Anti-Nuclear Activists

With nuclear power back on the agenda, three prominent female activists tell their stories: Kaori Izumi was part of the grassroots campaign to shutdown Japan’s nuclear power plants, after the Fukushima disaster. Winona LaDuke, has spent much of her life working to oppose uranium mining on indigenous land. And Alice Slater is part of a global initiative to ban nuclear weapons. On this edition, is the anti-nuclear movement on the rise? This is a special collaboration with Lynn Feinerman and Crown Sephira Productions.

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Omar Barghouti on How to End Apartheid in Palestine

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Omar Barghouti on How to End Apartheid in Palestine

Inspired by the campaign to end South African apartheid, Palestinians are leading an international campaign to put economic and political pressure on Israel by boycotting Israeli products, divesting from Israeli companies and pushing for international sanctions on Israel. On this edition, Palestinian activist Omar Barghouti explains his people’s resistance, and the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions campaign.

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Putting the “Eco” Back into Economics with David Suzuki

Posted by on 4:54 pm in All Shows, Environment | 2 comments

Putting the “Eco” Back into Economics with David Suzuki

Author, radio host, and scientist David Suzuki has spent a lifetime working to protect the environment. But he says that work is failing, and a paradigm shift is needed to protect the health of our species and our planet.

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Not In Our Backyard: Fighting Pollution in Richmond, California

Posted by on 12:21 pm in All Shows, Environment | Comments Off on Not In Our Backyard: Fighting Pollution in Richmond, California

Not In Our Backyard: Fighting Pollution in Richmond, California

Richmond, California is one of the lowest-income communities in the San Francisco Bay Area. It’s also one of the most toxic. On this edition, we’ll hear how community activists in this heavily polluted area are coming together to fight for environmental justice.

Special thanks to Richmond Confidential, a project of the Graduate School of Journalism at UC Berkeley

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Breaking the Psychological Chains of Slavery

Posted by on 4:23 pm in All Shows, Governance | 3 comments

Breaking the Psychological Chains of Slavery

African-Americans have endured more than 246 years of slavery, 100 years of racism and segregation. The trauma from that experience continues to impact African-Americans and society today. Dr. Joy DeGruy presents a discussion on post traumatic slave syndrome.

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