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We Got Next: Youth Poets Changing the World

Posted by on 2:02 pm in All Shows, Arts & Culture, Featured Blogroll, Home Features, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada | Comments Off on We Got Next: Youth Poets Changing the World

We Got Next: Youth Poets Changing the World

On this edition of Making Contact, we’ll examine how young people, particularly queer POC youth, are using spoken word as a mechanism for social change. The show also will explore how Brave New Voices International Youth Poetry Slam has challenged mainstream culture and created spaces that welcome and encourage marginalized communities to speak up about their life experiences – all through poetry. Special thanks to James Kass (Founder & Executive Director of Youth Speaks), Tara Dorabji (Director of Development & Communications at...

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Fallen Heroes of 2017

Posted by on 12:35 pm in All Shows, Arts & Culture, By Andrew Stelzer, Featured Blogroll, Home Features, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada | Comments Off on Fallen Heroes of 2017

Fallen Heroes of 2017

Like this program? Please show us the love. Click here and support our non-profit journalism. Thanks! Thousands of local social justice organizers, activists and other leaders passed away this year. People doing crucial work in their communities, whose deaths didn’t make the headlines. On this edition of Making Contact, as we do every December, we’ll hear about some of the fallen heroes of 2017. Special thanks to filmmaker David Hoffman, African Women’s Development Fund, Goldman Environmental Prize, The School for...

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Parenting From Prison, Inside Out

Posted by on 11:58 am in All Shows, Featured Blogroll, Governance, Home Features, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada | Comments Off on Parenting From Prison, Inside Out

Parenting From Prison, Inside Out

Like this program? Please show us the love. Click here and support our non-profit journalism. Thanks! When one or both parents are in prison the whole family is, in a way, also imprisoned. Family members are negatively affected in ways that worsen existing struggles and inequities. Today we’ll go to New York and New Hampshire to hear about programs for inmates and families that encourage rebuilding and maintaining relationships — despite being separated by prison. The Osborne’s FamilyWorks program, the first in NY State, is a...

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The Far Right and Antifa

Posted by on 3:54 pm in All Shows, Arts & Culture, Featured Blogroll, Home Features, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada | Comments Off on The Far Right and Antifa

The Far Right and Antifa

In this episode of Making Contact, we explore the past and present of the far right and anti-fascism. We begin with a story from Athens on the murder of Greek anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas and the resulting investigation. In the second half of the show, historian and author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, Mark Bray, describes anti-fascist responses to Hitler and Mussolini in the 1920’s and 30’s. Image Credits: Photo by seven_resist on Flickr Image Caption: Pavlos Fyssas, antifascist Rapper and left activist was killed by fascists in...

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Donate Today!

Posted by on 5:38 pm in Blog, Environment | Comments Off on Donate Today!

Donate Today!

Click here OR return your envelope plz! The envelopes are going out! Making Contact staff and volunteers working hard on snail mail fundraising. #MakingContact6400 Thanks to listeners like you Making Contact has been able to produce 52 weekly shows in 2017: That’s 1500 minutes of programming, broadcasting on 140+ radio stations around the world, working with 28 US & international freelance reporters during 22 years of community and public radio! In honor of our work, please make a generous donation today. Thank you for supporting...

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Ghosts of the Korean War: Stop THAAD

Posted by on 9:00 am in All Shows, Featured Blogroll, Governance, Home Features, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada | Comments Off on Ghosts of the Korean War: Stop THAAD

Ghosts of the Korean War: Stop THAAD

On this edition of Making Contact, Part 2 of our Korea series by producer Marie Choi, we head to Soseongri, a small village nestled in the mountains of Seongju County. There, grandmas and grandpas in their 70s, 80s, and 90s have gone from quietly farming to organizing daily protests and blockades to stop THAAD. THAAD is part of a missile defense system that gives the U.S. the ability to carry out a nuclear first strike. The region has historically been Korea’s conservative stronghold, but with the deployment of THAAD, people are re-evaluating...

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A Tale of Two Heights

Posted by on 12:55 pm in All Shows, Arts & Culture, Economics, Featured Blogroll, Home Features, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada | Comments Off on A Tale of Two Heights

A Tale of Two Heights

Two neighborhoods — Boyle Heights in Los Angeles and Crown Heights, Brooklyn New York — are experiencing the gamut of changes associated with gentrification. And some are pushing back against those who would cash in on the eviction and displacement of longtime residents. On this edition of Making Contact we hear how one Crown Heights restaurant drew the protest of local residents, and how a coalition of activists in Boyle Heights is taking direct action against gentrifying forces in the neighborhood.  Special thanks to Jesús...

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Fantastic Negrito and The Last Days of Oakland

Posted by on 1:14 pm in All Shows, Arts & Culture, By Eric Arnold, Featured Blogroll, Home Features, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada | Comments Off on Fantastic Negrito and The Last Days of Oakland

Fantastic Negrito and The Last Days of Oakland

In the last three years, Fantastic Negrito, an Oakland-based black roots revivalist has gone from busking at bus stops to winning a Grammy and touring internationally. He’s done this by creating a unique sound — melodic hooks, primal blues-rock chords, clever lyricism, a killer falsetto, and in-your-face social consciousness. On this week’s Making Contact, we learn about Fantastic Negrito’s journey, his creative process, and how he’s utilizing his artistic platform to advocate for social justice. Special thanks to Fantastic Negrito and...

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At the Intersection of Faith and Reproductive Justice

Posted by on 1:54 pm in All Shows, Arts & Culture, Featured Blogroll, Health, Home Features, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada, Vera Tykulsker | Comments Off on At the Intersection of Faith and Reproductive Justice

At the Intersection of Faith and Reproductive Justice

Faith and reproductive justice: we rarely hear these words in the same sentence. Instead, we associate faith with the belligerent protester outside an abortion clinic or sex ed curriculums that shame young women for their sexuality. But what if faith could fuel a movement that supports women and families in having real choices over their lives and their bodies? On this week’s Making Contact, we head to the crossroads of faith and the struggle for reproductive justice. We’ll hear from people like Dr. Willie Parker, Toni Bond...

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Small Independent News Outlets have Outsized Impact

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Small Independent News Outlets have Outsized Impact

Small Independent News Outlets have Outsized Impact By Jo Ellen Kaiser at The Media Consortium   Google, Facebook and Twitter were hauled in front of Congress last week to explain how Russian bots were able to spread fake news on their platforms.  The concern—and a very real one–is that these bots and fake news sites had a significant impact on the 2016 election. Fighting fake news, however, is not the only or best way to ensure that our content ecosystem prioritizes real news.This week, a groundbreaking article in Science proves...

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I Am Not Your Negro

Posted by on 12:04 pm in All Shows, Arts & Culture, Featured Blogroll, Home Features, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada | Comments Off on I Am Not Your Negro

I Am Not Your Negro

Master filmmaker Raoul Peck envisions the book James Baldwin never finished, Remember This House. The result is a radical, up-to-the-minute examination of race in America, using Baldwin’s original words and flood of rich archival material. I Am Not Your Negro is a journey into black history that connects the past of the Civil Rights movement to the present of #BlackLivesMatter. It is a film that questions black representation in Hollywood and beyond. And, ultimately, by confronting the deeper connections between the lives and assassination of...

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The Poetic Address to the Nation (Encore)

Posted by on 8:42 am in All Shows, Encore, Featured Blogroll, Home Features, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada | Comments Off on The Poetic Address to the Nation (Encore)

The Poetic Address to the Nation (Encore)

November 8 marks one year since Donald Trump won the US presidency. One year later, Gallup puts the President’s approval rating at 33%, an all-time low. We at Making Contact reflect on his solid win in the electoral college, his resounding loss of the popular vote, and the year that is drawing to a close. The Poetic Address to the Nation was an event that brought together poets to speak out and against the current administration. The event featured poets Cam Awkward, Guillermo Gomez Peña, Michelle ‘Mush’ Lee, Chinaka Hodge, and many others to...

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Sacrifice Zones – Part 2

Posted by on 9:47 am in All Shows, Environment, Featured Blogroll, Home Features, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada | Comments Off on Sacrifice Zones – Part 2

Sacrifice Zones – Part 2

Since 2003 a rash of proposals have surfaced in communities throughout the Northwest to export vast amounts of fossil fuels to Asian markets via Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. If these plans go through the Northwest would become home to the largest oil terminal in North America, the largest coal export facility in North America, and the largest methanol refinery in the world. As the fossil fuel industry turns up its pressure to turn the Pacific Northwest into a fossil fuel export hub, a Thin Green Line stands in its way. This week...

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Sacrifice Zones – Part 1

Posted by on 2:17 pm in All Shows, Environment, Featured Blogroll, Home Features, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada | Comments Off on Sacrifice Zones – Part 1

Sacrifice Zones – Part 1

Since 2003 a rash of proposals have surfaced in communities throughout the Northwest to export vast amounts of fossil fuels to Asian markets via Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. If these plans go through the Northwest would become home to the largest oil terminal in North America, the largest coal export facility in North America, and the largest methanol refinery in the world. This week we present Part One of Sacrifice Zones by Barbara Bernstein. It’s the first in a two-part series on the pressure to transform a region of iconic...

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Jeff Chang on Revolutions in Seeing and Being

Posted by on 12:51 pm in All Shows, Arts & Culture, Featured Blogroll, Governance, Home Features, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada | Comments Off on Jeff Chang on Revolutions in Seeing and Being

Jeff Chang on Revolutions in Seeing and Being

“From almost every kind of responsibility and tie from engagement and from faith. So the artist–our task is to move ourselves and the rest of us in the opposite direction. Toward more engagement, towards stronger ethics, toward a social that’s open and inclusive to all toward seeing each other in full, to challenge us to recognize the debts, and yes, the reparations that we owe to each other.” – Jeff Chang Jeff Chang offers ideas to reinforce the importance of art and artists in today’s sociopolitical...

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YOUR INPUT MATTERS! Pls Take 2mins & Fill Out Our Survey Today

Posted by on 11:50 am in Blog, Making Contact News, Pitches | Comments Off on YOUR INPUT MATTERS! Pls Take 2mins & Fill Out Our Survey Today

YOUR INPUT MATTERS! Pls Take 2mins & Fill Out Our Survey Today

SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS WITH US! WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! You’ve been a great support to Making Contact ( and are instrumental to our work. Tell us the types of stories you would like to hear. Here is a great opportunity to take action and be invested in the change you seek in local communities and the world! If your story idea is chosen, you will be highlighted in our credits. Take our survey and be entered into our raffle: We’ll pick 3 people to win a $25 gift certificate to online bookstore Powell’s Books (a progressive,...

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Mrs. Hamer Echoes

Posted by on 2:50 pm in All Shows, Arts & Culture, By Anita Johnson, Economics, Featured Blogroll, Governance, Home Features, Lisa Rudman | Comments Off on Mrs. Hamer Echoes

Mrs. Hamer Echoes

Like this program? Please show us the love. Click here and support our non-profit journalism. Thanks! Civil rights leader Fannie Lou Hamer, spoke words that are all too relevant today. Mrs. Hamer would have turned 100 years old on October 6th 2017. Today on Making Contact, you’ll hear archival recordings, and excerpts from a powerful new film featuring Fannie Lou Hamer’s contemporaries– themselves now elders. You’ll hear about the context of her life, and the lives of other sharecroppers in Mississippi from a seldom...

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Language Is Life, Land Is Sacred

Posted by on 11:48 am in All Shows, Environment, Featured Blogroll, Home Features, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada | Comments Off on Language Is Life, Land Is Sacred

Language Is Life, Land Is Sacred

Making Contact’s Community Storytelling Fellow Vincent Medina is a Chochenyo Ohlone Native American who is a part of a young generation working to revitalize the Chochenyo language for future generations.  Making Contact’s Community Storytelling Fellow Isabella Zizi is a young native-american environmentalist shaped by the 2012 Chevron Refinery Explosion and by her indigenous women elders in the Refinery Corridor Healing Walks in the Bay Area of California. Like this program? Please show us the love. Click here and support...

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The Arrival: Trump’s Travel and Refugee Ban

Posted by on 1:37 pm in All Shows, Featured Blogroll, Governance, Home Features, Making Contact News, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada | Comments Off on The Arrival: Trump’s Travel and Refugee Ban

The Arrival: Trump’s Travel and Refugee Ban

Leading up to the US Supreme Court hearing on Trump’s travel ban, we’ll hear about the order’s impact on people from affected, Muslim-majority countries, and how advocacy groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations are responding. On this edition of Making Contact we begin with the story of a woman who was in flight to the US when President Trump signed his first travel ban.  Special thanks to the Stanford Storytelling Project and State of the Human podcast managing producer, Jake Warga....

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The Ghosts of the Gwangju Uprising

Posted by on 12:46 pm in All Shows, Arts & Culture, Featured Blogroll, Governance, Home Features, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada | Comments Off on The Ghosts of the Gwangju Uprising

The Ghosts of the Gwangju Uprising

  On May 18, 1980, the people of Gwangju, South Korea came together for reunification and an end to an era of martial law imposed by U.S.-backed military dictators. Over the course of ten days, they staged mass protests, battled riot police and soldiers, and were met with brutal repression. Together, they successfully drove the military out Gwangju and governed the city together. Their actions changed the course of Korean history. On Part 1 of this episode of Making Contact, we hear from survivors of the Gwangju Uprising about how they...

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