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Reclaiming Public Schools: Education in the Trump Era

Reclaiming Public Schools: Education in the Trump Era

Outside of the home, children learn about the world, where they fit in amongst their peers, and who they want to be in school. Access to a quality education means different things to different people. Some families are willing and able to pay top dollar for a private school, other children are homeschooled, while many rely on public schools for their education. And some students are calling for a more thorough and inclusive curriculum...

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Women Rising Radio 33: With Healers At Standing Rock

Women Rising Radio 33: With Healers At Standing Rock

Dr. Rupa Marya is a physician on the faculty of UCSF, and an activist who formed the Do No Harm Coalition at UCSF. Dr. Maria Michael is a Lakota Dine spiritual elder and healer with a Ph.d in psychology. Dr. Revery Barnes is a physician working on HIV/AIDS at Harbor UCLA in Los Angeles. All three women went to Standing Rock, to stand with the great Sioux nation in its struggle for sovereignty over its ancestral lands and water. The...

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Paris: Responses to Terror, and the Experiment in Mixité

Paris: Responses to Terror, and the Experiment in Mixité

For this episode, we jump across the Atlantic to Paris, France–a city whose identity is a long held archetype of beauty and romance. Conversely, Paris has also long been the site of historical protest and legacies of colonialism whose spectres are still coming to fore. Jessica Myers and Adelie Pojzman-Pontay with the Here There Be Dragons podcast feature Paris and explore Parisian sentiment–both native and...

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Long Distance Revolutionary

Long Distance Revolutionary

Long Distance Revolutionary: A Journey with Mumia Abu-Jamal ⌠Documentary : 2Ol2⌡ Unlike any other film, book, or article produced about Mumia Abu-Jamal, “Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary” focuses on his career as a prolific author and broadcaster from Pennsylvania’s Death Row. In fact, the film does not deal with Abu-Jamal’s case, but rather chronicles his life and work as a journalist and revolutionary...

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Building Resistance: Japanese Imprisonment and the Fight Against a Muslim Registry

Building Resistance: Japanese Imprisonment and the Fight Against a Muslim Registry

This year is the 75th anniversary of we now call Japanese Internment.  And every year since 1942, Japanese Americans have tried to get the rest of us to remember what happened. To notice the scar that mass incarceration left, not just on the Japanese community, but on all of us. We found ourselves at  similar crossroads in 2001 when the Bush Administration used the chaos of 9/11 to push through drastic changes, including the creation...

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11 Million Undocumented: A Look at Sanctuary and Immigration Policy in the Trump Era

11 Million Undocumented: A Look at Sanctuary and Immigration Policy in the Trump Era

11 million. That’s the estimated number of people living in the U-S who are undocumented. During his first weeks in office President Donald Trump signed orders to build a border wall, ban travel from countries with largely Muslim populations, and deny federal funds to sanctuary cities and states. In this show we’ll look to previous administrations to see how they treated people who were undocumented, and how immigrant...

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