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About Last Night: How HBCU Students are Addressing Sexual Assault on Campus

About Last Night: How HBCU Students are Addressing Sexual Assault on Campus

      Students at several prominent historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), have demanded that school administrators address sexual assault more vigorously. Last year, student protests at Morehouse College, Spelman College, Hampton University, and Howard University focused on inadequacies in the way sexual assault and rape cases are handled. Two current students at Historically Black Colleges and...

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Parenting From Prison, Inside Out

Parenting From Prison, Inside Out

When one or both parents are incarcerated the family is also incarcerated and are adversely affected in profound ways that exacerbate existing structural inequalities and struggles. Programs for inmates and families like FamilyWorks and the Storybook Program, encourage rebuilding and maintaining relationships despite being separated by prison. The Osborne’s FamilyWorks program, the first comprehensive parenting program in a men’s...

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Caring Relationships: Negotiating Meaning and Maintaining Dignity

Caring Relationships: Negotiating Meaning and Maintaining Dignity

The vast majority of care recipients are exclusively receiving unpaid care from a family member, friend, or neighbor. The rest receive a combination of family care and paid assistance, or exclusively paid formal care. Whether you’re a paid home care provider, or rely on personal assistance to meet your daily needs, or a family member caring for a loved one, the nature of the working relationship depends on mutual respect and...

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Your Home, Your Right… or My Business?

Your Home, Your Right… or My Business?

Like this program? Please show us the love. Click here and support our non-profit journalism. Thanks! Making Contact looks at California’s fight over rent control. The stage is set for a political battle between two worldviews. Is housing a human right, or is real estate property an investment commodity? And where on that continuum is California’s common ground?  What does this mean for housing nationally? A statewide initiative, if...

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The Seekers Part 2: The Cost of Deportations

The Seekers Part 2: The Cost of Deportations

The Cost of Deportations looks at deportation through the lens of one Central American nation that sends migrants north— Guatemala.  About two million Guatemalans live in the US. But, half of those here lack legal status, and tens of thousands of Guatemalans are deported back to their country each year. Thus, the question arises… are the countries these migrants left prepared for an influx of returnees? This week, journalist Maria...

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Finding Home: Displacement and Homelessness from Cape Town to California (Encore)

Finding Home: Displacement and Homelessness from Cape Town to California (Encore)

On this edition of Making Contact we go from Cape Town, South Africa to Los Angeles and Oakland, California— three cities grappling with evictions, displacement, and homelessness. Like this program? Please show us the love. Click here and support our non-profit journalism. Thanks! Featuring: Needa Bee, Oakland-based Housing Advocate Messiah Ali, Oakland Resident Tom Waldman, Director of Communications, Los Angeles Homeless Services...

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