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Afrofuturism: Imagination and Humanity, Ytasha Womack

Afrofuturism: Imagination and Humanity, Ytasha Womack

Afrofuturism According to Ytasha Womack, use of the imagination for self-development and social change is one of the greatest tenets of Afrofuturism. This show features Womack’s presentation at the 2017 Sonic Acts Festival, Afrofuturism: Imagination and Humanity. She explores resilience encouraged through the championing of the imagination, tensions that arise from embracing hope, the separation of humanity from itself through the...

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Abortion Beyond Clinics Pt. 1: Call Jane

Abortion Beyond Clinics Pt. 1: Call Jane

Stop Making Decisions Over My Body In a special 2 part program by Making Contact we explore new safe at-home abortion options and the growing movement for “self-managed abortions.” Amidst changes to the Supreme Court of the United States, and after decades of restrictions to abortion access across the country, people continue to find ways to make this vital procedure safer, more affordable, and more accessible....

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70 Million: Undocumented Immigrants are Tethered to ICE & Private Companies

70 Million: Undocumented Immigrants are Tethered to ICE & Private Companies

70 Million See Transcript Below A handful of companies are making millions off of ankle monitors strapped to undocumented immigrants in ICE custody. The makers pitch the monitors as an alternative to being jailed, but are they simply another form of bondage? Reporter Ryan Katz looks at what life is life while wearing one of these monitors. He untangles the complicated web of ICE, immigration bail agent companies, and the attorneys...

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Your Home, Your Right… or My Business?

Your Home, Your Right… or My Business?

California’s fight over rent control. Access to affordable housing is an ongoing concern throughout the country. This week, Making Contact looks at California’s fight over rent control. The stage is set for a political battle between two polar world views. Is housing a human right, or is real estate property an investment commodity? And where on that continuum is California’s common ground?  A statewide initiative, if approved, would...

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Reproductive Justice from El Salvador to the U.S.

Reproductive Justice from El Salvador to the U.S.

Got Abortion Rights? Hear from a woman who went to prison under El Salvador’s current abortion laws— some of the strictest in the world. And, one reproductive justice organization considers the future of reproductive health access under the US Supreme Court. Like this program? Please show us the love. Click here and support our non-profit journalism. Thanks! TRANSCRIPT for US-based segment is...

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The Response: Occupy Sandy

The Response: Occupy Sandy

Like this program? Please show us the love. Click here and support our non-profit journalism. Thanks!  This week, we explore the remarkable communities that arise in the aftermath of natural disasters; namely, Hurricane Sandy, and its impact on the Rockaway Peninsula. It’s a story about unlikely friendships, radical recovery efforts, and disaster collectivism. The Response documentary podcast series is...

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