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Full time Struggle, Part time Work: Making a living post recession

During the Great Recession from 2007 to 2009 millions of people lost their jobs and hustled to survive. Since then, the economy has regained more than 8 million jobs. Still wage growth remains low and many simply can’t find a full time work. On this edition of Making Contact we’ll hear from a panel of labor experts on the state of labor market especially for part-time and low-wage workers. The Panelists include former New York Times...

We need to tell our own stories, no matter how the voice sounds

We need to tell our own stories, no matter how the voice sounds

Lateef McLeod was Making Contact’s first Storytelling Fellow. Listen to his segment, read his reflection on his experience and donate to support this year’s class of fellows. My tenure as the first Making Contact Storytelling Fellow was an extraordinary experience. I had an amazing time producing the radio segment on the public’s perspective of people who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (A.A.C) devices....

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Voice Recognition: Does how we sound determine who we are?

What do our voices say about us? On this edition we explore voice and identity. Lateef McLeod, our inaugural Community Storytelling Fellow, explains the everyday challenges that come with using a speech generating device. We’ll hear from someone who nearly lost their voice, and we’ll look at how voice contributes to trans women’s sense of safety and self. Featuring: Mya Byrne, singer-songwriter Kathe Perez, creator...


Beyond Stonewall: The Push for LGBT Civil Rights

We go back to the night in June 1969 at the New York City Stonewall Inn that sparked the LGBT rights movement. On today’s show we’ll hear about the day that galvanized a generation and the continued fight for LGBT civil rights. The first Pride parades took place in June 1970 marking the 1st anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising. Michael Schirker and David Isay bring us an oral history Remembering Stonewall: The Birth of a...

Making Contact’s Violence Against Women of Color Live Chat

Making Contact’s Violence Against Women of Color Live Chat

“This hierarchy of human life where if you are a woman of color and you’re impoverished, you’re at the very bottom and your life is seen as not worth anything.” –Margaret Prescod Join us on May 21st at 3pm PST as we discuss domestic, healthcare and police violence against women of color. This conversation continues our ongoing coverage on the cultural and structural dimensions of how violence against...

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Katha Pollitt explains how to Reclaim Abortion

Katha Pollitt explains how to Reclaim Abortion

In these short excerpts taken from an interview with Rose Aguillar, noted writer Katha Pollitt talks about reclaiming the word “PRO,”using a Reproductive Justice framework, distorted media coverage and how lack of access to abortion healthcare in Texas is forcing women to cross boarder for dangerous alternatives. Pollitt is a columnist for The Nation magazine and a feminist essayist, poet, critic and a...

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