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Building Resistance: Japanese Imprisonment and the Fight Against a Muslim Registry

Building Resistance: Japanese Imprisonment and the Fight Against a Muslim Registry

This year is the 75th anniversary of we now call Japanese Internment.  And every year since 1942, Japanese Americans have tried to get the rest of us to remember what happened. To notice the scar that mass incarceration left, not just on the Japanese community, but on all of us. We found ourselves at  similar crossroads in 2001 when the Bush Administration used the chaos of 9/11 to push through drastic changes, including the creation...

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11 Million Undocumented: A Look at Sanctuary and Immigration Policy in the Trump Era

11 Million Undocumented: A Look at Sanctuary and Immigration Policy in the Trump Era

11 million. That’s the estimated number of people living in the U-S who are undocumented. During his first weeks in office President Donald Trump signed orders to build a border wall, ban travel from countries with largely Muslim populations, and deny federal funds to sanctuary cities and states. In this show we’ll look to previous administrations to see how they treated people who were undocumented, and how immigrant...

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Caring Relationships: Negotiating Meaning and Maintaining Dignity ENCORE

Caring Relationships: Negotiating Meaning and Maintaining Dignity ENCORE

In this disturbing era of Trump, we revisit our encore show on disability rights. During his campaign in November 2016, Trump mocked NY Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, who had chronic joint disease that limits his arm movements. On this edition of Making Contact, we’ll explore the dynamic and complex relationship of care receiving, giving, and disability rights. The vast majority of care recipients are exclusively receiving unpaid...

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Dr. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor “From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation”

Dr. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor “From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation”

Is whitelash enough of an explainer for the rise of President Donald Trump? Is it rigorous enough to blame the people who didn’t show up to vote for our impending collective struggle under this administration? On this edition, we hear from Dr. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, assistant professor in the Department of African American Studies at Princeton University. Dr. Taylor most recently wrote, “From Black Lives Matter to Black Liberation.”...

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A Dream Remembered?: Martin Luther King Jr and the Grassroots Civil Rights Movement

A Dream Remembered?: Martin Luther King Jr and the Grassroots Civil Rights Movement

On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28th 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered one of the most famous speeches of all time. But it nearly didn’t happen. On this special edition of Making Contact for MLK Day, Gary Younge, author of “The Speech” talks about Martin Luther King Jr.’s Dream and the story behind it. Special thanks to The New School for the recording. Featuring: Gary Younge, author of...

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Mirrors of Privilege

Mirrors of Privilege

Mirrors of Privilege is a remarkable and engaging  film that explores stories from white men and women about their journeys in overcoming issues of unconscious bias and entitlement. From Shakti Butler, director of “Cracking the Codes: The System of Inequity” and “The Way Home: Women Talk About Race in America,” “Mirrors of Privilege” is a must-see for all people who are interested in justice, spiritual growth and community making....

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