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A Look at Labor Organizing, and Worker and Immigrant Rights

A Look at Labor Organizing, and Worker and Immigrant Rights

Our latest radio release looks at workers organizing, inside and outside of labor unions. You’ll meet members of the Restaurant Opportunities Center of LA and hear from Day Laborers in Pasadena who are creating their own phone app and collective bargaining system by sharing info about employers. Plus an interview with Jane McAlevey, union member and union critic. Like this program? Please show us the love. Click here to support...

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Spies of Mississippi

Spies of Mississippi

Spies of Mississippi is a journey into the world of informants, infiltrators, and agent provocateurs in the heart of Dixie. The film tells the story of a secret spy agency formed by the state of Mississippi to preserve segregation and maintain “the Mississippi way of life,” white supremacy, during the 1950s and ‘60s. The Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission (MSSC) evolved from a predominantly public relations agency to a...

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Beyond Choice: Organizing for Reproductive Justice

Beyond Choice: Organizing for Reproductive Justice

At the end of March, Congress passed a bill allowing states to deny funding to family planning groups that offer abortion services – groups like Planned Parenthood. Now, Pennsylvania and Michigan have introduced legislation to join over a dozen states in doing just that. As we fight off right wing attacks on abortion rights, Loretta Ross asks us to consider what it would take to have real choices about our bodies. On this...

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Not Throw Away Women: Black and Indigenous Women Disrupt Violence ENCORE

Not Throw Away Women: Black and Indigenous Women Disrupt Violence ENCORE

In the United States April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). The goal of SAAM is to raise public awareness about sexual violence and to educate communities on how to prevent it. On today’s show we’re exploring how some women have been dehumanized to the point of indifference. We’ll learn how one community is undoing the silence around the violence women of color face. We’ll also hear about how serial killers were able to hunt...

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Conscience and Dissent: Values in Media

Conscience and Dissent: Values in Media

  Independent journalism offers incisive analysis and perspectives typically passed over by the corporate-owned media. The phrase “Speaking truth to power” is a central tenet to independent journalism and community produced media. A network of those media outlets gathered at The Media Consortium conference in Washington DC to discuss the role independent media plays in today’s contentious media landscape. Special...

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The Cost of War: A Reflection on the United States and Iraq Conflict

The Cost of War: A Reflection on the United States and Iraq Conflict

Given Trump’s massive military budget proposal and the 14th Anniversary of the United States war in Iraq, we bring you this program from our archives with the voices of U.S. Soldiers and Iraqis reflecting on the costs of war. Special thanks to KALW News in San Francisco. Photo Credit: Members of Iraq Veterans Against the War present at the U.S. Social Forum in Atlanta, GA. Photo by flickr user Brooke Anderson. Like this program?...

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