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Finding Home: Displacement and Homelessness from Cape Town to California

Finding Home: Displacement and Homelessness from Cape Town to California

On this edition of Making Contact we go from Cape Town, South Africa to Los Angeles and Oakland, California— three cities grappling with evictions, displacement, and homelessness. Like this program? Please show us the love. Click here and support our non-profit journalism. Thanks! Featuring: Needa Bee, Oakland-Based Housing Advocate Messiah Ali, Oakland Resident Tom Waldman, Director of Communications, Los Angeles Homeless Services...

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A Look at Labor Organizing, and Worker and Immigrant Rights

A Look at Labor Organizing, and Worker and Immigrant Rights

Our latest radio release looks at workers organizing, inside and outside of labor unions. You’ll meet members of the Restaurant Opportunities Center of LA and hear from Day Laborers in Pasadena who are creating their own phone app and collective bargaining system by sharing info about employers. Plus an interview with Jane McAlevey, union member and union critic. Like this program? Please show us the love. Click here to support...

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Demographic Danger: A Look at Maternity Wards and Segregation in Israel

Demographic Danger: A Look at Maternity Wards and Segregation in Israel

Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem was founded on a promise to serve all patients with the same, excellent care. This week, against the backdrop of military occupation, we go inside Hadassah’s Mount Scopus maternity ward. There, the separation of Jewish and Arab mothers resulted in conflict between midwives at the hospital. Featuring:   Drorit Hochner, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Mount Scopus Hospital Rabbi Benny Lau Dikla...

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Occupy, 5 years later

Occupy, 5 years later

September marks the 5 year anniversary of Occupy. We go to Zuccotti Park, and Oakland to talk to individuals that were part of Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Oakland to gain insight and reflection on the movement that swept the nation. Featuring: Samara Ward, Occupy Oakland participant Joyous DeAsis, Young Oakland organizer, Occupy Oakland participant Marisa Holmes, Filmmaker, Occupy Wall Street facilitator Needa Bee, Occupy Oakland...

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Invisible Workers, Laboring in the Shadows

Invisible Workers, Laboring in the Shadows

* This program won the award  for Explanatory Journalism in radio/audio from the Society of Professional Journalists, Norther California Chapter in Nov. 2016. Congrats to all !  Please add your congratulations here. Millions of people around the world work in jobs that aren’t formally recognized or afforded legal protections typical of wage earning jobs. They’re often not even thought of as legitimate work. On this edition...

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Coffee: Trouble Brewing?

Coffee: Trouble Brewing?

It’s the second most-traded commodity in the world after oil but how much do you think about your cup of coffee? From coffee farmers in Colombia to the trash produced by your single-cup coffee machine, Making Contact and Green Grid Radio team up to count the costs of your morning cup o’joe. Featuring: Jairo Martinez, Mariana Cruz, Suzana Angarita, coffee farmers Jeff Goldman, former executive director Fairtrade Resource Network Jeff...

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