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Witch Hunts and Enclosures: Bodies, Land and Women

Witch Hunts and Enclosures: Bodies, Land and Women

Witch Hunts and Enclosures: Bodies, Land and Women How are witch hunts and Capitalist economies linked? Silvia Federici, wrote the groundbreaking book, Caliban and the Witch.  In that book she argues that the witch hunts of the fifteenth century were a necessary pre-condition for Capitalism to flourish. Just as the enclosures of the middle ages created a population of landless peasants, women were experiencing a...

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Re:Work Radio. Trafficked, the Journey of Lester Ramos

Re:Work Radio. Trafficked, the Journey of Lester Ramos

Labor Trafficking:  One of the most common forms of trafficking is labor trafficking: compelling people to work through fraud, force, or coercion. The International Labor Organization estimates 20.1 million people are trapped in forced labor globally, in industries including agriculture, construction, domestic work, and manufacturing. Who does this happen to? And how does it happen? In this episode, Re:Work...

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Caring Relationships: Negotiating Meaning and Maintaining Dignity

Caring Relationships: Negotiating Meaning and Maintaining Dignity

The vast majority of care recipients are exclusively receiving unpaid care from a family member, friend, or neighbor. The rest receive a combination of family care and paid assistance, or exclusively paid formal care. Whether you’re a paid home care provider, or rely on personal assistance to meet your daily needs, or a family member caring for a loved one, the nature of the working relationship depends on mutual respect and...

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Breaking Protocol: Cryptocurrency and Capital Controls in Greece

Breaking Protocol: Cryptocurrency and Capital Controls in Greece

Which came first– coin or the ledger? In either case, physical currency or a tally of debts and payments have been the two primary forms of money used throughout history. Today, physical cash is increasingly being replaced with cashless systems including cryptocurrencies. This week, we hear from blockchain researcher Jaya Klara Brekke on the political economy of blockchain and consensus protocols. And we go to Athens where...

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Wealth Inequity and Universal Basic Income

Wealth Inequity and Universal Basic Income

When Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United states, the wealth gap between rich and poor was already very wide. The top 10% of families — those who had at least $942,000 — held 76% of total wealth. The average amount of wealth in this group was $4 million. And the entire bottom half of the population had just 1% of the total wealth pie, this gap continues to rise and when the statistical scope...

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Staying Rooted: Community Focused Economic Models, Cooperative Housing, and the New Economy Coalition

Staying Rooted: Community Focused Economic Models, Cooperative Housing, and the New Economy Coalition

Collective housing, cultural co-ops, land trusts, community banks are community-rooted enterprises that empower those that have been excluded from traditional economic institutions. Solidarity economy models exercised throughout the country are becoming viable solutions towards sustainable and economically just living. Today we’re visiting community-rooted enterprises where people are rethinking power and participation in their...

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