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7 Shows to Listen to this Women’s History Month

7 Shows to Listen to this Women’s History Month

We’re knee deep in Women’s History Month and at Making Contact we’re celebrating the best way we know how: highlighting the stories of women making change and fighting for a better future for ourselves and all those around us along the way.  Check out these stories from Making Contact featuring the often untold stories impacting women everyday: 1.Don’t Let Them See You Bleed: PERIOD From period stigma to the unfair tax on...

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No, COVID Isn’t “Over,” and the Need for Continued Community

No, COVID Isn’t “Over,” and the Need for Continued Community

This March marks four years since the COVID-19 pandemic was officially declared. Public health failures and government inaction have forced communities to take matters into their own hands. On today’s show, we look at two groups steeped in the values of community care. First, we’ll hear about the Auntie Sewing Squad, which distributed over 350,000 hand-sewn masks to communities in 2020-2021. Then, we’ll speak with...

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Reproductive Justice: The Ongoing Struggle for Bodily Autonomy (Encore)

Reproductive Justice: The Ongoing Struggle for Bodily Autonomy (Encore)

Today we share excerpts from “She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry,” a documentary filled with stories that still resonate today as women face new challenges around reproductive rights and sexual violence.  The documentary tells the stories of the activists of the Women’s Liberation Movement that gained traction in the late 1960s and led to social and policy changes that set women on a path towards equality and reproductive...

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The Feminist Birth of the Home Pregnancy Test

The Feminist Birth of the Home Pregnancy Test

In 1965 Margaret Crane was a young designer creating packaging for a pharmaceutical company. Looking at the rows of pregnancy tests she thought, “Well, women could do that at home!” and so she made it a reality for potentially pregnant people to be able to know about and take control of their own lives and bodies.  But while the design of the prototype was simple, Crane faced the issues we continue to fight when it comes to...

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Denial of the Funk: The Impact of Racism on our Nation’s Health

Denial of the Funk: The Impact of Racism on our Nation’s Health

The problem in America is, America’s been in denial about its problems. And that’s a problem.  America doesn’t have a race problem, in reality there’s been catastrophes visited upon Black people. Catastrophes visited on Indigenous brothers and sisters. Catastrophes visited on Latino brothers and sisters. Catastrophes visited on working people. Catastrophes visited on women of all colors. We can go on and on.  This week on...

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How Ollas Populares fed Buenos Aires through a pandemic (Encore)

How Ollas Populares fed Buenos Aires through a pandemic (Encore)

We travel to Buenos Aires with reporter Rosina Castillo who immerses us in the culture of a local community arts organization who saw a need in their community and took action during the height of the pandemic. La Casona de Humahuaca transformed their operations to host “ollas populares” or community kitchens to help support their community and make it through the toughest parts of COVID together, all the while learning more about...

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