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At the Intersection of Faith and Reproductive Justice

At the Intersection of Faith and Reproductive Justice

Faith and reproductive justice: we rarely hear these words in the same sentence. Instead, we associate faith with the belligerent protester outside an abortion clinic or sex ed curriculums that shame young women for their sexuality. But what if faith could fuel a movement that supports women and families in having real choices over their lives and their bodies? On this week’s Making Contact, we head to the crossroads of faith...

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Beyond Choice: Organizing for Reproductive Justice

Beyond Choice: Organizing for Reproductive Justice

At the end of March, Congress passed a bill allowing states to deny funding to family planning groups that offer abortion services – groups like Planned Parenthood. Now, Pennsylvania and Michigan have introduced legislation to join over a dozen states in doing just that. As we fight off right wing attacks on abortion rights, Loretta Ross asks us to consider what it would take to have real choices about our bodies. On this...

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Caring Relationships: Negotiating Meaning and Maintaining Dignity ENCORE

Caring Relationships: Negotiating Meaning and Maintaining Dignity ENCORE

In this disturbing era of Trump, we revisit our encore show on disability rights. During his campaign in November 2016, Trump mocked NY Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, who had chronic joint disease that limits his arm movements. On this edition of Making Contact, we’ll explore the dynamic and complex relationship of care receiving, giving, and disability rights. The vast majority of care recipients are exclusively receiving unpaid...

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Demographic Danger: A Look at Maternity Wards and Segregation in Israel

Demographic Danger: A Look at Maternity Wards and Segregation in Israel

Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem was founded on a promise to serve all patients with the same, excellent care. This week, against the backdrop of military occupation, we go inside Hadassah’s Mount Scopus maternity ward. There, the separation of Jewish and Arab mothers resulted in conflict between midwives at the hospital. Featuring:   Drorit Hochner, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Mount Scopus Hospital Rabbi Benny Lau Dikla...

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Retaining Rondon: Creole Food in a Changing World

Retaining Rondon: Creole Food in a Changing World

In a world that increasingly seems to strive for uniformity, afro-descendant Creole people on the eastern coast of Nicaragua seek to hold on to their unique culture through their food. Incoming palm plantations are fragmenting traditional Creole farmland and making it difficult for local coconut oil businesses. Overfishing and pesticides from the palm fields are reducing stocks of fish in the lagoons, making it more difficult to...

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Coffee: Trouble Brewing?

Coffee: Trouble Brewing?

It’s the second most-traded commodity in the world after oil but how much do you think about your cup of coffee? From coffee farmers in Colombia to the trash produced by your single-cup coffee machine, Making Contact and Green Grid Radio team up to count the costs of your morning cup o’joe. Featuring: Jairo Martinez, Mariana Cruz, Suzana Angarita, coffee farmers Jeff Goldman, former executive director Fairtrade Resource Network Jeff...

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