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COVID-19 and Lessons from the Spanish Flu

COVID-19 and Lessons from the Spanish Flu

COVID-19 and Lessons from the Spanish Flu In 1918, humanity faced a deadly global pandemic– the Spanish Flu. The CDC estimates that the disease killed at least 50 million people and infected a third of the world population. Today, hand-washing and physical distancing are a part of daily life, as are grim tallies of the sick and the dead. Even though science has made tremendous advances since then, our methods for slowing the...

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Bio Hackers versus Big Pharma: Tackling the Rising Cost of Insulin

Bio Hackers versus Big Pharma: Tackling the Rising Cost of Insulin

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, many Americans are worried about their health insurance. The cost of treating the illness, if a patient ends up in the ICU, can run into the tens of thousands of dollars without coverage. Which most people just can’t afford. Today we bring you a piece we produced last year about a related topic -the rising cost of insulin, and the effectiveness of medicare for all. As the cost of insulin...

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The Utopian Dinner Table: How to Feed the World in 100 Years

The Utopian Dinner Table: How to Feed the World in 100 Years

The Utopian Dinner Table: How to Feed the World in 100 Years Nearly 10 percent of people are food insecure, meaning they don’t have reliable access to affordable, nutritious food. And in 50 years, the world population will likely peak, but the demand for food will nearly double. How will we accommodate the demand? This episode explores possible solutions to working around the industrial food system, from cultivating urban...

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Reckonings: From Health Insurance Spin Doctor to Truth Teller

Reckonings: From Health Insurance Spin Doctor to Truth Teller

From Health Insurance Spin Doctor to Truth Teller ‘I was getting people to make decisions based on misleading information that could have life or death consequences.’ That’s Wendell Potter, the former head of public relations for CIGNA. As the executive spin doctor for one of the biggest health insurance companies in the country, he was responsible for concocting tales that enabled CIGNA to deny coverage, discredit...

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Don’t Let Them See You Bleed: PERIOD

Don’t Let Them See You Bleed: PERIOD

Don’t Let Them See You Bleed Don’t Let Them See You Bleed: PERIOD examines the feminist movement through the lens of period activism. We will look at aspects of women’s health and social justice that are often overlooked – From period stigma to the unfair tax on feminine hygiene products and the fight to regulate and disclose ingredients in tampons and maxi pads.  We’ll hear from activists,...

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Bio Hackers versus Big Pharma: Tackling the Rising Cost of Insulin

Bio Hackers versus Big Pharma: Tackling the Rising Cost of Insulin

Tackling the Rising Cost of Insulin As the cost of insulin continues to skyrocket patients are dying from trying to ration their medication. It’s an extreme example, but not unusual – the cost of insulin mirrors the broader health crisis in the United States. Medicine is too expensive and inaccessible. And as insurance companies continue to raise prices, more and more people are put at risk, especially if...

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