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Self Care as Selfless Act: Mental Health at the Root of Activism (Encore)

Self Care as Selfless Act: Mental Health at the Root of Activism (Encore)

Making Contact · Self Care as Selfless Act: Mental Health at the Root of Activism   Activists in the Latinx immigrant community of Los Angeles share what they do to take care of their mental health. The issues these activists work on often impact their personal lives, and people who work in the service of others are particularly at risk of burnout and compassion fatigue. Self-care becomes a “selfless act” when it allows activists...

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‘A pandemic within a pandemic’: Intimate partner violence cases rise during pandemic

‘A pandemic within a pandemic’: Intimate partner violence cases rise during pandemic

By Emily Rose Thorne, Mercer University Center for Collaborative Journalism On March 23, residents of the United Kingdom were ordered to shelter in place to slow the spread of COVID-19. Two weeks later, calls to the domestic abuse helpline shot up by 110% within a single 24-hour window. As the pandemic continues to rage, experts say that the U.K. is not alone in seeing an alarming uptick of another public health crisis: intimate...

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Domestic Violence in Lockdown: COVID-19 and the UK’s Domestic Abuse Bill 

Domestic Violence in Lockdown: COVID-19 and the UK’s Domestic Abuse Bill 

Making Contact · Domestic Violence in Lockdown: COVID-19 and the UK’s Domestic Abuse Bill Domestic abuse affects everyone it touches—intimate partners, children, and elders. COVID-19 created new problems for victims of domestic violence and made some worse. This show looks at the challenges to survivors and their advocates posed by the pandemic and examines a landmark piece of legislation in the UK that could change the way countries...

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Essential: Gig Workers and COVID-19

Essential: Gig Workers and COVID-19

Essential: Gig Workers and COVID-19 Gig Workers, driver’s for app companies such as Lyft and Uber, are struggling during COVID-19. They’re considered essential workers, so they can still work but many of them aren’t making enough to cover rent at Many have chosen to stay home, facing economic insecurity. Those who work, however, are continuing to drive without much protection in the way of personal...

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COVID-19 Pandemic Capitalism and Bonds

COVID-19 Pandemic Capitalism and Bonds

COVID-19 Pandemic Capitalism and Bonds The world as we knew it seemingly turned upside down overnight. With stay at home orders in place, we are no longer rushing to work each day, getting stuck in traffic, hustling to get the kids to school, and scrambling for time to take care of chores. This strange and abrupt stop to “business as usual” has shined a light on the capitalist systems that are now crumbling down, and...

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On the Brink: Homelessness Before and During COVID-19

On the Brink: Homelessness Before and During COVID-19

On the Brink: Homelessness before and during COVID-19 When the coronavirus pandemic hit the U.S. many of us were told to “shelter in place” in order to minimize the spread of disease. But, for a lot of people who are forced to live on the street, its not possible to just close the door and retreat into safety. Today’s show is about homelessness. We start by following two women as they undergo several evictions, even...

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