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These historical photos capture the fight for voting rights in the US.

These historical photos capture the fight for voting rights in the US.

As voters around the country head to the poles today we’re looking at the historical fight it took us to get here. Click the player below to listen to our show on the history of the Voting Rights Act while you scroll through the pictures. 1946 The District of Columbia delegation of the National Association of Colored Women joins delegates from across the country to picket the White House July 30 in response to the murders of...

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Thwarting Democracy, the Battle for Voting Rights

It’s election season! But since the 2013 Supreme Court ruling on the Voting Rights Act, many states have pushed changes to voter laws that raise disturbing connections to the past. On this week’s show, we’ll hear about hard fought battles for voting rights and the implications of new laws. Featuring: Reverend Tyrone Edwards, civil rights historian in Plaquemines Parish Louisiana Tyrone Brooks, Georgia State Representative Clifford...


Not My War: The Military Deserters’ Dilemma

You make our radio programs possible! Please make a generous donation today.   More than 150,000 people sign up for the US military every year. Their reasons for joining vary widely, from those hoping for financial help through college, to others looking to follow in the footsteps of parents or grandparents. In recent years getting into the military has gotten harder, with criminal records and low academic scores proving the...


Restorative Justice: Reconciling Face to Face

Victims and perpetrators sitting down face to face…it can help heal their wounds, and our society. Incarcerating our way out of crime clearly hasn’t worked, and it’s costing us billions. Meanwhile, school suspensions are reaching record highs. Now, Institutions across US are finally starting to consider problem solving methods other than punishment.  Restorative justice is gaining ground–in the schools, and behind bars....


Our Bodies, Our Stories: Reproductive Health Behind Bars

Pregnant women in America’s prisons are being shackled to their beds; others are being sterilized. Correctional institutions claim the policies are for safety’s sake, but thousands of incarcerated people are fighting for control of their own reproductive health.


Words vs. Bars: How Prison Poets Escape

Locked up for month, years, or decades, poetry is form of self-expression that’s become vital to the incarcerated.  In Prison, Poetry can keep you sane, and help you move towards a better future. To mark National Poetry Month, we bring you a special production by the Prison Poetry Workshop. We go from California’s San Quentin prison, to a group of Alabama prison poets. And we’ll meet a legendary prison poet of the 1960’s who helped...
