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The Murder of Fred Hampton

The Murder of Fred Hampton

Dec 4th is the 47th anniversary of Fred Hampton’s murder. We are presenting this program to provide historical context amidst current media dis-information and government surveillance of groups organizing for Black Lives and Liberation. Trump’s legitimization of white supremacist ideas and actions makes Fred Hampton’s words from 1969 apt today. The Murder of Fred Hampton began as a film portrait of Hampton and the...

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The Electoral College’s Dirty History

The Electoral College’s Dirty History

  Given the Trump Election and the difference between popular votes and Electoral votes, we explore the Electoral College. Who are the electors, anyway? And will the United States ever join the rest of the world, and adopt a popular vote for president? Yale University Law & Political Science Professor Akhil Reed Amar says the Electoral College discourages voting, lessens the power of the states, and could work to the...

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Our Lives are NOT for the Taking

Our Lives are NOT for the Taking

Dear friend, Corporate-owned media contributed to Trump’s win as much as this country’s entrenched racism and white supremacy, patriarchy and xenophobia. At Making Contact we value transformative storytelling and create a space for OURcommunities to be heard. An alternative to the empty calories of breaking “news” shows.Let’s take our stories back! People are in motion and in this period we’re...

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Women Rising 32: Pt 2 Phasing Out Nuclear Power

Women Rising 32: Pt 2 Phasing Out Nuclear Power

  As nuclear plant accidents mount, and nuclear waste becomes a greater threat to health and safety worldwide,  {and a new President Trump will influence nuclear policy} Women Rising Radio features veteran activists at the center of the movement to phase out nuclear energy, power and research. We revisit Chernobyl, Fukushima, Three Mile Island and many less well known disasters  –  and hear about real...

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Greg Palast on Voter Suppression, and Buying Democracy

Greg Palast on Voter Suppression, and Buying Democracy

  Like this program? Please show us the love. Click here and support our non-profit journalism. Thanks! Greg Palast, is an investigative reporter and documentary filmmaker. His new film, “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: a Tale of Billionaires and Ballot Bandits,” unmasks the continuing and unrelenting Jim-Crow attempts by America’s “Billionaire Bandits” to prevent minority communities from...

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Immigrants & Elections Pt. 2: Barriers to the Ballot

Immigrants & Elections Pt. 2: Barriers to the Ballot

Photo of Florita & Joseph Campbell at the Halo Halo Restaurant in Phoenix, AZ by contributing producer Valeria Fernández In the US, the right to vote is one of the country’s most cherished and hard-fought rights. But it doesn’t mean that everyone has equal access to the polls. In 2013 the Supreme Court struck down a key civil rights provision of the Voting Rights Act. This November will be the first presidential election in...

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