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Part 1 of The Pandemic Inside: COVID-19 and Prisons

Part 1 of The Pandemic Inside: COVID-19 and Prisons

Making Contact · Part 1 of The Pandemic Inside: Covid 19 and Prisons   In a two-part series, we look at how COVID-19 has torn through prisons and how organizers are trying to push state and local governments to release people in prison in order to contain the spread of the pandemic. In part one, we focus on California. We take a look at why a prison, like San Quentin, is such a perfect environment for infectious diseases,...

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Geraldine’s Story: How Public Schools Are Failing Black Students with Dyslexia 

Geraldine’s Story: How Public Schools Are Failing Black Students with Dyslexia 

Making Contact · Geraldine’s Story: How Public Schools Are Failing Black Students with Dyslexia Black students with dyslexia all too often carry a heavy burden in our public schools. This documentary centers around a grandmother who fought for years to get her grandkids — particularly her grandson — properly assessed for dyslexia. Like too many African American boys, Geraldine Robinson’s grandson had been erroneously labeled...

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One Long Night: Andrea Pitzer on the Global History of Concentration Camps

One Long Night: Andrea Pitzer on the Global History of Concentration Camps

Making Contact · One Long Night: Andrea Pitzer on the Global History of Concentration Camps Today we use a lot of euphemisms: re-education camps, internment, work camps, prison camps, camps for internally displaced people. But before World War I, these prisons were known simply as concentration camps and they started in Cuba in the 1890s to control an uprising against the Spanish colonizers. Since then, concentration camps have...

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President Biden and America’s Expectation

President Biden and America’s Expectation

Making Contact · President Biden and America’s Expectation   Today, a divided nation experiences one of the most tumultuous presidential transitions in US history. Leaders from marginalized communities across the nation are watching, with cautious optimism, as Biden and Harris seek to tackle several serious crises amid a raging pandemic. Thank you to freelance journalist Maritza L. Félix for reporting from Arizona. Like...

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70 Million: How the Asylum Process Became Another Carceral Matrix

70 Million: How the Asylum Process Became Another Carceral Matrix

Making Contact · 70 Million: How the Asylum Process Became Another Carceral Matrix   The Trump administration has issued numerous policies to systematically dismantle asylum as a legal right. They’re also locking up asylum seekers for months or years, until they either win their case, are returned to their home countries, or self deport. Reporters Valeria Fernández and Jude Joffe-Block follow two asylum seekers as they...

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The Electoral College’s Dirty History (Encore)

The Electoral College’s Dirty History (Encore)

Making Contact · The Electoral College’s Dirty History (Encore)   Given the Trump Election and the difference between popular votes and Electoral votes, we explore the Electoral College. Who are the electors, anyway? And will the United States ever join the rest of the world, and adopt a popular vote for president?  Yale University Law & Political Science Professor Akhil Reed Amar says the Electoral College discourages...

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