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Click here OR return your envelope plz! Making Contact staff and volunteers working hard on snail mail fundraising. #MakingContact6000 Thanks to listeners like you Making Contact has been able to produce 52 weekly shows in 2017: That’s 1500 minutes of programming, broadcasting on 120+ radio stations around the world, working with 30 US & international freelance reporters during 21 years of community and public radio! In honor of...

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Native Power: Language, Land, and Water NoDAPL

Native Power: Language, Land, and Water NoDAPL

Special thanks to the Christensen Fund for supporting Making Contact’s indigenous storytelling fellows. The actions at Standing Rock against the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota continue. On the night of November 20, 2016, militarized police forces used tear gas, water cannons and rubber bullets, hospitalizing a dozen water protectors and injuring 160 others. While mainstream media coverage is sorely lacking and...

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Women Rising 32: Pt 2 Phasing Out Nuclear Power

Women Rising 32: Pt 2 Phasing Out Nuclear Power

  As nuclear plant accidents mount, and nuclear waste becomes a greater threat to health and safety worldwide,  {and a new President Trump will influence nuclear policy} Women Rising Radio features veteran activists at the center of the movement to phase out nuclear energy, power and research. We revisit Chernobyl, Fukushima, Three Mile Island and many less well known disasters  –  and hear about real...

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Women Rising 31: Nuclear Weapons Abolitionists

Women Rising 31: Nuclear Weapons Abolitionists

As relations between the United States and Russian governments continue to deteriorate, people are growing concerned that we’re on the brink of another nuclear arms race.  Both the U.S. and Russia are modernizing their nuclear arsenals.  According to Jackie Cabasso, Executive Director of the Western States Legal Foundation, “it’s frighteningly easy to imagine how something could go wrong in that...

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Coffee: Trouble Brewing?

Coffee: Trouble Brewing?

It’s the second most-traded commodity in the world after oil but how much do you think about your cup of coffee? From coffee farmers in Colombia to the trash produced by your single-cup coffee machine, Making Contact and Green Grid Radio team up to count the costs of your morning cup o’joe. Featuring: Jairo Martinez, Mariana Cruz, Suzana Angarita, coffee farmers Jeff Goldman, former executive director Fairtrade Resource Network Jeff...

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After Disaster: Picking up the pieces in an age of climate change

After Disaster: Picking up the pieces in an age of climate change

Among the effects of climate change are more extreme weather events, such as Typhoon Haiyan, Superstorm Sandy, and a severe drought stretching across much of the Western United States. On this edition of Making Contact we’ll take a deeper look at the social and psychological impacts of climate change, and the weight of inaction. Featuring: Niki Stanley and Derice Klass, Far Rockaway residents Zardos V. Abela, firefighter for the...

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